...radio free beowulf
michael jardeen...musings about news and life
i dream...of something better | i care...too much it seems
Oceans Edge

daily link image Friday, August 8, 2003

The "Ole Family Ranch" in Crawford is a Set Completed the Same Day the Election was Stolen
By Cheryl Seal

Have you seen all those article and pictures of Bush "at home on the ranch" in Crawford - the ones that imply that he is "just an ole ranch hand" more comfortable on the family homestead than in the "Big City," be it Austin or D.C.? Well, if you bought this image, you've been royally snuckered. The Bush family homestead in Crawford is nothing more than an elaborate set. The house, built in 2000, was designed to be ready for Bush to step into - like a set awaiting an actor - during the 2000 presidential election. Not only was the "ranch" created in 2000 - so, essentially, was the "town" of Crawford! Before then only about 400 people lived in the area. The Crawford Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture were formed shortly after the ranch was finished...more [Democrats.com]

Just one more piece in the fleecing of America by the friends of the rich. This administration has been an illusion from the first day. We the people have bought into a lie, and to protect ourselves we live in denial...mj
10:07:49 PM    

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Last update: 10/9/03; 8:51:07 PM.