...radio free beowulf
michael jardeen...musings about news and life
i dream...of something better | i care...too much it seems
Oceans Edge

daily link image Thursday, September 4, 2003

Another day, another MS security hole!
Recently on a mail list I made an analogy between Microsoft and car theft. The response from people was to defend Microsoft in light of all the recent problems. My claim was that MS is like the person who leaves the keys in their car for a car thief.

They responded: "Just because someone left their keys in their ignition does not give the right for CRIMINALS to steal the car."

I replied: "After you had your 50th car stolen, no insurance company would insure you since they would assume that you are an idiot, the police would stop responding to your calls, and your family might suggest a nice home for you to live in."

Think about it as you read the latest news. In our software monoculture, we have left ourselves open to attack. MS has 45+ billion dollars in monopoly money they have earned from building unsecured software, what would happen if they put 20 billion of that into developing secure code, and not just new ways to make more money, and force people into more upgrades they don't want?...mj
6:11:25 AM    

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Screw the Music Industry - they have screwed you for years!

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Last update: 10/1/03; 3:05:00 PM.