Wednesday, January 16, 2002 Testing...
The sidebar on the left is now generated from an OPML file:
The script then generates this piece of javascript code:
'What I read':[
{style:'button2', content:'Jake's Brainpan',
gonew:' '}
,{style:'button2', content:'Joel on Software',
gonew:' '}
,{style:'button2', content:'Lambda the Ultimate',
gonew:' '}
,{style:'button2', content:'markpasc_blog',
gonew:' '}
,{style:'button2', content:'owrede_log',
gonew:' '}
,{style:'button2', content:'Scripting News',
gonew:' '}
,{style:'button2', content:'XMLHack',
gonew:' '}
,{style:'button2', content:'<b>All sources</b>',
gonew:' '}
{style:'button2', content:'Joeri',
gonew:' '}
,{style:'button2', content:'Marco',
gonew:' '}
,{style:'button2', content:'Jelle',
gonew:' '}
,{style:'button2', content:'Q42',
gonew:' '}
The template contains a script that creates the buttons from the data. I named the opmlfile #sidebar.opml
. The # means that files in subdirectories can have their own sidebar links, but they default to the one from the parent directory.
Last Update
1/23/2002; 11:40:12 AM
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