...useless miscellany

 Friday, August 30, 2002

Mulholland Dr. (2001)

This is one f#%*ed up movie.  But I like it anyways for some strange reason, even with it's Moulin Rouge meets Pulp Fiction feel and all the the other Hollywood artsy aspects I still don't understand fully.

Salon's Everything you were afraid to ask about "Mulholland Drive" makes a good attempt at sorting out the madness.   Surprisingly, after I got over the initial 10 or so minutes of shock saying things like "..that can't be it... man, that's seriously messed up... but what about...?", I found myself rationalizing the movie using somewhat the same logic found in the Salon article.   The exception being, I don't have a clue to all those references writer/director Lynch makes to older Hollywood movies. 

7:58:25 AM