Audioblog/Mobileblogging News
Covering the evolution of the "next big thing" in blogging

Audioblog server - Presently offline


Adam Curry
Russell Beattie
Carla Passino
Bryan Allison
Jeremy Allaire
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Monday, March 11, 2002

[Scripting News] After spending much of yesterday thinking, not coding, we're going to push back the release of Radio Community Server by one week, to next Monday, March 18. The software is ready at one level, it can be installed and it will yield a community server, but one week will not make that much difference in the life of the product, but the extra knowledge we'll gain in that week from testers will make a big difference. Denied
11:46:23 AM  comment []    

[Scripting News] "We use Desktop Websites to put a friendly weblike face on apps that run on your desktop. Disconnect from the Internet if you want, the desktop app still works. I think what they're saying is they don't want to run a public web server on their desktop. I get it and agree. I don't either."  This is where I think the disconnect begins.  Why have a client side web app that has to run in a web server whose intent is not to be a public web server.  The mindset says if the purpose is not to use your computer as a web server why do I need a web server there at all.  Cross platform you say.  Dave left that out (I'm sure not intentionally).  Well this is where the emotional, selfish "I" in most of us battles our logical customer thinking.  Dave has to worry about cross platform (we don't) with many of the customers even though the majority run only on one platform.  I would think someone could create a good windows GUI app (for MAC or Windows) that would be as friendly, why couldn't they, has anyone tried and failed?  Maybe Dave is leaving that for someone else to develop.
7:11:51 AM  comment []    

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