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Click here to send an email to the editor of this weblog. Monday, March 14, 2005


In the blink of an eye, has the podosphere become the community where podcasters, advertisers, marketers and software developers party together to make $$?

From what I been reading this morning in the blogosphere about the podosphere, major changes happened at the top of the podosphere over the weekend.  Not that there hasn't been hints and discussions at a high level about the intent to monetize podcasting  from the beginning, as the details of Adam Curry's venture BoKu Communications begin to surface the conversation in the podcasting community will now shift away from it's podcasting roots to one focussed around the methods that will be used to monetize it. 

Bloggers and podcasters alike are starting the week trying to make some sense out of what "really happened" over the weekend and the role of the podosphere, "the new business" in the big picture of the blogosphere, web and Internet moving forward.  

To me at least, right now I'm taking the wait and see approach and viewing the event right now as simply somebody took down the huge virtual banner that has been over the podcasting community from the start and for the last six months that said "a place where content providers and software developers openly party together" and replaced it with one that now says "a community where podcasters, advertisers, marketers and  software developers party together to make money".  

From what I been reading on some blogs, the blogosphere is a little confused to say the least about some of the details of Adam's venture especially the role of the iPodder Directory.  Here's what some of the bloggers are saying:

webfeed central ->

Adam Curry Goes Commercial - Screws The Volunteers

"Over the weekend, Adam Curry (the self-proclaimed “inventor” of podcasting) released information about his “new company”, BoKu Communications. A quote from BoKu’s front page says “BoKu was founded in 2004 by Adam Curry and Ron Bloom. It is a closely held private company based in Miami and New York, with a core group of developers, editors and producers across the US, UK and in Europe. ”

Did you catch that? “Closely held private company”! His new company promises integrated advertising and marketing campaigns across its network of direct and affiliate produced podcasts and websites.

Adam has also changed! Besides the new layout, the site is now “Copyright 2005 - BoKu Communications”. What about all of the people that were updating “nodes” at the site. The people that were working on it were volunteers, and it now seems that they are working for BoKu Communications, since the site is no longer Creative Commons. Does this mean that they are all going to become “paid editors” for Is BoKu Communications going to compensate them for all of the work that they have already put into building the directory? If I was a volunteer, I would be pissed off as hell for contributing all of the time it takes to update the OPML files responsible for the underlying directory, and then having somebody else slide the whole thing out from underneath me, and start making money off of “my” work! Even if they’re not mad, I’m mad “for” them!

Besides that, the iPodder directory can only be “browsed”. There is no way to “search” for anything at the site. There will be a lot better places for a true “user powered” podcast directory.

This is no way to have podcasting become a widespread thing that “everyone” can contribute to. Podcasting (to me) is not about making money. It’s not about getting sponsors or even getting the biggest audience. It’s about a “personal” way to communicate with people who want to listen. It’s about connecting with people on a personal level and exposing all of the emotion with your voice. This is NOT radio! Stop trying to turn it into radio!

…and why does Adam Have trackbacks turned off at his blog?

And A GREAT BIG THANK YOU to Dave for seeing this ahead of time, and not becoming a part of it (no matter what the actual reasons were)! "


house of warwick ->

The iPodder Directory is no longer a community project

"Am I nuts or did a major shift in podcasting happen quietly over the weekend? Adam Curry moved the directory under an umbrella corporation called BoKu Communications, complete with a new look and new layout. Does this mean that the volunteers that maintain the nodes in the iPodder directory are working for a new boss, or will the directory maintain it's historical status as a product "for the people, by the people"? Will the volunteers that have created the product (a maintained directory) be compensated?

Adam: can you come out and tell us what's going on? On the surface, this looks like you milked hundreds of volunteers for their efforts to build value for you to monetize. Yuk.

Everyone: Is it time to shift the directory away from its now commerically controlled authority or is this the same as ads on or Technorati?"

6:10:56 AM  comment []    trackback []  

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