
Tuesday, April 1, 2003
> Cool Wiki and Zope Resource site!
Quickiwiki, Swiki, Twiki, Zwiki and the Plone Wars. Great article on using wikis as both a PIM and collaborative content tool (and in fact on all things wiki, though there is so much here you almost have to know quite a bit about this before it starts to make any sense). By David Mattison, Access Services Archivist British Columbia Archives, Canand (GO Canada!!) Also has a great sidebar comparing wikis and blogs. Be warned though: if you haven't played with wikis and you thought blogs were addictive, be prepared to get sucked into a massively intertwined universe in which you can spend days! Think 'surfing the web' to the nth degree! - SWL [EdTechPost]

A good overall description of what is out there in Wiki and Zope Land. Prepare to take a good half hour just visiting the resource links. A decent comparison between wikis and blogs with example sites. A very good place to start your adventure. I have to say that there were some resources that I did not know of in wikiland. Do visit, even if it is only for self knowledge.

> Aaron's Radio Experiment.
"Everything you need to know to connect Radio and Zope via XML-RPC can be found at these three links:" Apologies for all of these blog-tool type posts, I am working on the site infrastructure itself and so it reverts back to its original role as my online knowledge base as I find new things I want it to do and need to remember. - SWL [EdTechPost]

I have a zope site at school.. so I have to check this out.

> Radio Userland Community Tools Directory : Master Tool Directory.
I've been using Radio8 since last August, and if I have any complaint about the tool it's the fact that you end up spending more time searching for documentation than you do actually using it. It desperately needs one central place in which links to all relevant documents, and links to all 3rd party tools, can be found. This post is simply just a breadcrumb that I am dropping so that one day I may find my way back to this collection of community developed tools. - SWL [EdTechPost]

> New RSS power at Daypop from Dan Chan.
[Scripting News]

More RSS experiments