
Friday, April 18, 2003
> Expand the Profile Member options in Multi-Author Manila Sites.
I asked the following question on the Manila-Dev Group Website. Can one expand the profile member options in multi-author manila sites? That would be cool if we had an answer to that question placed in an update. If you have questions related to Manila join the Manila Dev group
> Radioactive Hiring.

I have a little theory about how this works:  You can't really buy passion-driven people.  You have to pay for them, of course, but they have to choose you.  Passion-driven people are attracted by many things, but one of the biggest attractions is the desire to work with other passion-driven people who can challenge and appreciate them.  As an organization grows, the challenge is to keep the bar high enough that critical mass can be maintained and new people will still continue to be attracted.  It's like running a nuclear reactor -- if your fuel rods aren't pure enough, you won't be able to get/keep the reaction going; but if you enrich and purify the material, the reaction is self-perpetuating.


[Better Living Through Software]

This sounded good in terms of hiring new faculty and placing in motion a framework of professional developemnt and accountability that lets that synergy happen between faculty. The problem is that the school day is too short and faculty are not paid to stay longer to reflect on their praxis. It is all find and dandy that the Federal and local government mandate so many minutes for Reading, Math and Sience, but what about paying extra for education professionals to meet and talk about the praxis so that improvement does happen

> Edbloggers chime in at Manila Dev site
With Jake at Harvard working with Dave Winer on tweaking Manila, we should see more improvements quickly. Sam Devore and David Carter-Tod have already chimed in. Edbloggers, chime in at the Manila-Dev Group site. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/manila-dev/