Doubt's log

April 2002
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 Wednesday, April 24, 2002
Here are some things I'd like radio userland to have:

A Better UI (for entering weblog entries)

Entering weblog entries into this little box is just getting annoying. I often find that I want to make the box bigger, or I'm writing a longer entry that is just too hard to work with without being able to quicksave. It would also be nice to get spell checking and make it easy to add pictures.

A Better UI (for reading the news aggergator)

There should be select all/select none buttons. Why do I have to go to a preference and back to select all the items? Keyboard shortcuts. Let me click on an item and hit the delete key, or on a set of items. Give me a page with the list of channels I'm on that have entries, and show me how many entries are there. Extra: Try to realize what a given entry is about, create a view where all such entries are shown together.
6:00:57 PM    comments ==

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