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 Thursday, April 25, 2002

Mark Baker: "I agree completely."  [Scripting News]

The other problem with REST  is that the Header/URL can only get so big, but a post can send a ton of data.

1:59:45 PM    comments ==

Gates testified monolithic OS design is a necessity today.
He lied. He knows that he lied. Nothing new. [Craig Burton: logs, links, life, and lexicon]

Read gates' testimony, It's all about being a brand and a platform, not the specific OS design. It's about realizing that your shell doesn't work when you take away the dependant gui widgets and replace them with an incompatable one. You add value to a platform by giving it capabilities that your competitors platform doesn't have, and then you make sure that your platform utilizes that functionality to the best possible experience. If there are excess that are not about this (like what that link above is implying with the msn explorer icon) then they should probably be addressed, but this is not what the states proposals seem to be about.

9:58:03 AM    comments ==

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