Ken Bereskin's Radio Weblog : A fun way for me to share info about Mac OS X and some of my hobbies.
Updated: 4/7/02; 9:49:47 PM.


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Sunday, April 7, 2002

The annual Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) bekons. I've lost count, but I think I've been to 16 (or is it 17?) conferences now. The first WWDC I attended was in the Fairmont, a year before the San Jose Convention Center opened it's doors for the first time.

If you want to find about the future of the Mac platform, this will be a great week. As we've said in years past, it'll be Geek Week in San Jose!
9:49:43 PM    

Question: What's the hardest device to adjust during switches to/from daylight savings time?

Anwer: Cars (at least mine) My computers make the switch by themselves. The microwave and alarm clock are pretty simple. I'm going to have to find my car manual to figure out what knobs to turn.
8:56:05 PM    

Did you know that Mac OS X lets you create disk image files encrypted using the AES-128 encryption algorithm?

Disk images are cool because they are files (easy to transport and share) yet when mounted are a full HFS+ (or MS-DOS/UFS) volume format. With AES-128, they are strongly protected.

How do you create a disk image? Simple - open up the Disk Copy utility and choose New Blank Image... from the Image menu.
4:29:40 PM    

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