My World of “Ought to Be”
by Timothy Wilken, MD

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Thursday, August 08, 2002

This last month I have been featuring the writings of Barry Carter at Future Positive. Barry is the author of Infinite Wealth which is available at his website, and can be purchased in bookstores everywhere including Amazon and Barnes & Nobel.

There is also an abbreviated free online version, which has been reposed at Future Positive: 1) The Rise of a Win Win Civilization  2)  A Personal Journey of Discovery 3) Why Corporations Don't Work 4) The Emancipation of Capitalism  5) Mass Privatization: Organizing in the Information Age  6) Decentralized Wealth Creation  7) The Infinite Wealth Potential of Liberated Humans 8) The Mandate for Win-Win Wealth Creation  9) Breakpoint: Why You Must Act Now  10) SYNOCRACY: True Democracy Through Synergy 11) THE SHIFT: Awaking to a Win-Win World  12) The Synthesis of a Win-Win World and 13)Vision for a Synergic Transition.

Also see: Reason Wilken's Review of Infinite Wealth and Advanced Papers by Barry Carter

9:54:27 AM    

When Lose/Win becomes Lose/Lose

Barry Carter writes: If we go into an Information Age and develop no more emotional intelligence and spiritual awareness than we have today, then we'll simply destroy ourselves out of the fear derived from our lose/win paradigm. Today we are like a group of five year olds who are having our Play Dough replaced with plastic explosives. We are in fact a civilization of children with enormous potential to destroy or create. False neural associations are why we can see the irrationality behind someone else's actions when they cannot see it. Others can see our irrational behavior and we cannot see it. To the person performing the irrational behavior, it is perfectly rational. His or her brain is simply calculating from its false neural associations and therefore the action appears logical. The person viewing the irrational behavior does not have the same false neural associations. He is able to see the irrational behavior clearly. It is not uncommon to hear someone in this position ask, "Why in the world would he behave this way?" Paradigms tell us that there are different realities depending upon one's perspective. Our false neural associations create paradigms and our different realities. As we watch a gang member on news programs and listen to their rationality, we easily see where it is warped. We also see the gang member's logic. We can see from his conviction that there is clear logic and reasonableness from his paradigm. We can see this in the Mid-East conflict. We saw it with Hitler, as well as slavery, South Africa, and the holocaust of the Indians. Though there are many extreme cases, the vast majority of our problems stem from our small daily conflicts and mis-perceptions. This is because all people have false neural associations. They effect us, and hold us back in many ways. Though they helped us survive in a lose/win era, today they have become destructive, self-destructive and self-defeating. Our false neural associations are, therefore, today threatening society with death by a thousand cuts. (08/08/02)


Lose/Lose in Argentina

Washington Post -- ROSARIO, Argentina -- Word spread fast through the vast urban slums ringing Rosario. There was food on the freeway -- and it was still alive. A cattle truck had overturned near this rusting industrial city, spilling 22 head of prime Angus beef across the wind-swept highway. Some were dead. Most were injured. A few were fine. A mob moved out from Las Flores, a shantytown of trash heaps and metal shacks boiling over with refugees from the financial collapse of what was once Latin America's wealthiest nation. Within minutes, 600 hungry residents arrived on the scene, wielding machetes and carving knives. Suddenly, according to accounts from some of those present on that March day, a cry went up. "Kill the cows!" someone yelled. "Take what you can!" Cattle company workers attempting a salvage operation backed off. And the slaughter began. The scent of blood, death and fresh meat filled the highway. Cows bellowed as they were sloppily diced by groups of men, women and children. Fights broke out for pieces of flesh in bloody tugs of war. "I looked around at people dragging off cow legs, heads and organs, and I couldn't believe my eyes," said Alberto Banrel, 43, who worked on construction jobs until last January, when the bottom fell out of the economy after Argentina suffered the world's largest debt default ever and a massive currency devaluation. (08/08/02)


Oh! Kyoto

Andrew McKillop writes: Like the World Trade Center attacks and US missile attacks on Baghdad there is little limit on human aggression and violence, but few compare this puny level of violence to mankind’s attack on, and destabilization of planet Earth’s climate through the alteration of its chemical makeup. However, carbon dioxide and other ‘greenhouse gas’ concentrations have risen dramatically since Fossil Energy civilization began its task of extracting and burning carbon-based materials from the subsoil. Change of the chemical constitution of the atmosphere has been on a planetary and geological scale – the last time such concentrations of carbon existed in the Earth’s atmosphere was at least 20 Million years ago, and it is unknown if, but unlikely that there has ever been such rapid build up in the geological and climatic past. What is sure and certain is that rising world temperatures and sea levels are not good news for mankind, as witnessed by increasingly disastrous cyclones, storms and floods, for example in Orissa, India and Western France in 1999, and in large areas of South and East Asia through 2000 and 2001. The detailed figures on how much temperatures will increase, and how rapidly sea levels will rise through ice cap melt and increased humidity above about 45 degrees latitude are the subjects of an energetic war of words, theories and models, but the UN’s Panel on Climate Change predicts that we will have a temperature rise of between 5° and 8°C this century. This background number drives many scenarios for sea level rise, regional climate change (including local cooling) and an overall reduction in agricultural productivity and output capacity – all of which underlie the apparent or formal objectives of the Kyoto ‘process’, that targets a stabilization then reduction in world fossil energy burn. The Kyoto treaty and its spiralling documentation, already several dozen kilograms in weight, obscures and ignores at least three facts that flatly contradict any fond hopes on its workability. (08/08/02)


Programmed for Conflict

Barry Carter writes: The primary problem with wealth creation systems of the Win/Lose Era is that they have limited the levels of emotional and spiritual intelligence in people. This is because wealth creation in this era has been fear based. The desire to control others comes directly from fear and mistrust. For our present level of maturity if the consequence of losing did not exist, the drive to win would not be so important. When humans were in the hunter gather era and the rule was "Eat or Be Eaten," losing could mean death or pain. If losing had meant no discomfort then winning would not have been so important. The fear of losing, at least in the Win/Lose Era, makes winning extremely important. It forces us reactively and defensively to look for ways not to lose first as opposed to looking for ways to proactively win. This rule still holds true in our Industrial Age based civilization. Fear, therefore, is the primary motivator in the win/lose era. This fear-based paradigm is deeply ingrained within human's today. Our normal view of human nature is that of humans being competitive, selfish, judgmental, greedy, sinful, lazy and violent. Our thinking is that humans must be restrained against their natural tendencies through rules, regulations, discipline, punishment and must be managed, regulated and led by strong men. Our paradigm of human nature is, however, merely a reflection of our finite wealth creation, win/lose paradigm based upon fear. (08/07/02)


9:45:54 AM    

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