My World of “Ought to Be”
by Timothy Wilken, MD

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Friday, August 09, 2002

Leap Forward or Perish

Barry Carter writes: As we look at the animal world and all of nature we see lose/win. One animal must die in order for another to live. Eat or be eaten is the rule. Within groups of animals there is a control hierarchy and pecking order, just like society and companies. Lion prides continuously battle for territory with other lion prides and hyena packs. This battling occurs with what appears to be the same fierce hatred as that which we've witnessed between racial, religious and ethic groups. This is the reality from whence we evolved. Though advanced society is separate from this activity, our paradigm and social institutions still reflect this reality. Lose/win then is our evolved reality from millions of years of evolution. With lose/win being our reality, how is it possible to change this reality?  (08/09/02)


Dialogue on Sustainable Community

In response to Dean Robertson's No Time for Rhetoric!, Arthur Noll writes: "The trend Mr. Robertson talks about, of land being abandoned, people going to cities, is indeed opening a door for us.  It is a narrow door, these lands are being abandoned because they no longer produce much, and it will take a lot of such abused land to support people in a sustainable way.  But most people will not want to even try, judging by what I see.  I think that things will need to slip more, before this door is opened wide enough for some to get through, but it is happening." And Hank Burroughs joins the discussion: "I think it will be possible to get something going soon with permiculture, square foot gardening, Growbiointensive, several different building methods such as Earthships, straw bale, etc..  The biodiesl fuel movement is coming along to help provide for transportation. My efforts have been to collect as much info as I can on all these topics and now the goal is to set up a demonstration village.  I think Mr. Robertson's idea of finding an older town to revitalize or an undeveloped town site to use as a base is a good idea.  I have found a couple sites in Oregon which may work." (08/09/02)


Why would Organizations grow "too big"?

Rajesh Babu writes: Most of the organizations that one sees these days are too big. They grow too much in size and when the reality sinks in, it is lay-off time. Suppose that a group of people get together because of some shared interests/goals. They work together for some time to further the interests. They are doing fine, they are able to sustain in the environment. Why do they suddenly get sucked into the spiral of "urge-to-grow"? (08/09/02)


2:30:22 PM    

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