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    Updated: 2/2/03; 1:58:53 AM.


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Thursday, January 30, 2003

Crab Soup

If you are the delicate type, I'll warn you ahead of time; don't venture below. Animal kingdom does not have shots like this, that's for sure.

With that warning out of the way, I offer you Crab and Pipeline. Somehow, it reminds me of the phrase: "livin' in a world of hurt". (thanks Kurt!)

Comments ()
8:13:07 PM    

Clearing the stop bit...

Sometimes I guess I need a kick in the rear end to get things onto the weblog. This week, it wasn't really my fault. I was all set to put up the previous story about Jon and the family at Magic Mountain on Sunday when the vomiting began.

First it was Jonathan. Every twenty to sixty minutes, for hours. We tried Pepto a couple times but that wasn't staying down any longer than anything else. We (mostly Sarah) finally got him calmed down enough to get to sleep and first thing in the morning, Stephen joined in while Jon moved back into full rejection mode. By Monday evening when I got home from work, Adam was part of the crowd. We had a pack of sick kids, so I worked from home on Tuesday where we had a few interesting incidents before Sarah came home to rescue us all.

By Wednesday (yesterday) morning, things had more or less settled down, but Adam and Jonathan were sore and wrung out from stomach gymnastics, so they stayed home again. Adam ended up having his seventeenth birthday while feeling pretty blah. He was happy non the less when we talked just before he went to bed; he'd gotten his present two weeks earlier (we are insane, we bought him a car; then again we are also tired of being a chauffeur service, and he wants to work part time).

So anyway, a friend sent me something funny today that I wanted to post. To do that, I had to clear the stop bit, and get all this stuff out of queue so that I could move on.

Comments ()
7:22:23 PM    

Coaster Crazy

I believe that I've mentioned before that my family in crazy about roller coasters, especially Stephen.

On Sunday, they outdid themselves. I knew that Steve was a member of American Coasters Network (ACN), but now I've learned that we have added a family membership in American Coaster Enthusiasts (ACE) as well. Sarah took the two younger boys to Magic Mountain and they joined up with a bunch of fellow ACE members.

Apparently, some of the kids were filming Point of View (POV) movies during the rides. Somehow, someone talked Jonathan into doing a POV filming of Goliath Jr. (he's still just six so he can get on) which he did. From what I've heard (we still don't have the movie), it's a little shaky, and sometimes dark as the camera points down, but it works. Later in the day, Jonathan was in the first car on Ninja with an ACE member who was filming a Point of View (POV) movie there and had a blast.

Jon came home very proud of his work to support their efforts...

Comments ()
7:20:02 PM    

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