Steve Pilgrim's Radio Weblog : Out of the rat race and onto the web!
Updated: 6/5/2002; 12:16:00 AM.












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Thursday, January 24, 2002

No sooner did I post my last drivel than I stumble onto this site. How'd he do this stuff? I want to build something like this. He's got a different "theme" or "look" to his site than those that are "canned" into Radio, but it is still obvious that this is a Radio site.

What do I need to know that I don't know now??? What a question. Are the secrets in HTML editing? Am I stylistically challenged and can't see the forest for the trees?

How do I make Dane Carlson's site one of the links over here on the right side? Somewhere there's a doc or help screen I've overlooked that unlocks some of this.

But, you know what - just the learning I've done so far is worth the price of admission. I'm buying now!!! Thanks Dave Winer and the team at Userland. I'm forever in your debt!

5:31:20 PM     Comments[]

The time has come to get over some of the style issues I've been concerned about and start understanding the substantive matters. Radio 8.0 has drawn a new audience. I get the impression that prior to 8.0 there were quite a number of XML/open source/visionary/programmer/web journalists using Radio. Once 8.0 hit the street, people like me began to jump in with both feet. I'm an executive. Sure, I've got an engineering background, have always worked in technical fields, but I'm no programmer. Yet, I "get it" when it comes to XML-RPC. But, getting it and understanding how to do it are entirely different.

I want a couple of very simple examples - complete with the recipe for making XML-RPC do its magic. Maybe those examples are buried in Radio 8.0. XML may be making this weblog possible and I'm not aware of it.

Years ago - when Radio Shack introduced the TRS-80 - I bought a book about BASIC. Chapters 1 & 2 simply introduced some statements and commands. Chapter 3 began my lessons in programming math problems using the distance, rate & time equation. The need never arose for me to apply my understanding of BASIC, but I've used the knowledge I gained a thousand times in the last 20 years. I need some straight forward eamples to understand XML-RPC and some of the other stuff that gets mentioned here. I'm anxious to learn, but seem to be making false starts on the road to getting understanding!

5:06:56 PM     Comments[]

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