Sunday, February 8, 2004

The Daily Fallacy
The Daily Fallacy takes online news articles (opinion, editorial, letters, etc.) and exposes fallacious argumentation. Registered users can respond to commentary. (This is my own blog) [Blogroots]

This sounds very cool. I remember thinking about something like this when I was taking my Philosophy class at UoPhx.

11:13:21 PM    trackback []     
I've got the urge to...

Whenever I visit someone's house and go to the bathroom and see that they have Herbal Essences shampoo in the shower, it makes me want to grab the bottle, wave it in their face as I throttle them, and say "YOU! You are the reason for those goddamn commercials!"

But usually I don't do that.

[Anil Dash]

Did you really mean to blog this out loud? :-)

4:11:52 PM    trackback []     
Jackson's vocabulary

J is really starting to explore his vocabulary. He's been saying "bye bye X" for everything, like bye bye ball, bye bye lion, etc etc. Now however, P & I are starting to hear him express somewhat complex thoughts vocally. Yesterday, he said "dada in shower", which reflects his understanding of the external, spacial world. He still seems to babble in indiscernible syllables, but sometimes he really is saying things that I just don't hear well. For instance, the other day, he was looking at a book and pointing to a series of colors (with matching animals on the facing page), and he kept saying "scare" "scare", and I kept correcting him "brown" "brown", and then Paulette said, "that's right j, that is a square". Silly me.

4:09:44 PM    trackback []     
vocal chest muscles

I had my first recording session yesterday morning, a small window of opportunity while P & J were at swimming class. It felt incredibly good to just let it out. GarageBand continues to amaze with its simplicity and correctness. What I mean by that is, what it does it does really well. I can create a new track, turn on the monitor, then just let it record while I experiment with some vocalizations.

At some point yesterday, I realized that I wasn't really singing to my fullest potential, and so I kicked it up a notch, and could immediately feel it in my chest and in my headphones. After about a dozen repeats of this chorus I have in mind, I listened to it again, and was amazed at the difference between before and after I exercised my chest. It is somewhat like lifting heavy objects with your back versus your knees: a wrong way and a right way. I think I'm finally beginning to "feel" the right way to sing.

Now I just need to practice more. Finding these windows of opportunity is difficult however, since the house is rarely empty. On the other hand, later in the day my chest felt like I had been hit by a truck, so a slower ramp up is probably in order.

4:04:21 PM    trackback []     

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