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  Sunday 31 July 2005
Pix from Backpacking with Ben

Ben in Slate Creek I went backpacking with my nephew Benjamin a couple of wekeends ago (Friday 15 July through Sunday). The photos are up on my site.

Ben is 10 years old, though he's a big 10. Last year, I took him on the first six or so miles of the High Sierra Trail, and we had a blast. So he'd been asking when we could schedule another backpacking trip this summer.

Ben and his mother Mary had flown up from T.O., and she had to be in San Francisco for a work meeting. So I came up with the idea of having her drop Ben and me off on Skyline, and we would walk down through Long Ridge Open Space Preserve, down Ward Road into Portola State Park, and on out through Pescadero Creek County Park. It's a mostly downhill hike :-), but this time Ben's pack would be somewhat heavier.

Ben at Dean Witter grove The captions tell much of the story, but since I ran out of camera space on Saturday afternoon, there aren't captions for the pictures I didn't take. So:

Saturday morning, we had headed straight out from Slate Creek Campground to do Peter's Creek Loop. We had seen a total of three people (and one raccoon) since leaving the trailhead. Peter's Creek Loop climbs a bit from camp, then has a very steep descent to the loop part. Near the high point of the trail, there are several spots with a lot of poison oak very close to the trail. Ben did quite well and I think he has a good idea of what poison oak looks like, and can recognize many of its varied forms. ("Toxicodendron diversibolum" is one of my favorite latin-style species names; it's so descriptive.)

On the way back to camp, we did see a couple of adults and a couple of kids heading up there. We warned them about the poison oak, and it turned out that even the adults weren't quite sure what it looks like. So I pointed out a couple. Hope they didn't get any.

Ben and I returned to camp, filtered some more water and played in the creek some more (it was a pretty hot day). Ben had just attended a house concert where groovelily had performed, and had a song of theirs in his head. Ben's a good-natured guy, and he sings a lot. Unfortunately in this case, he only had about two or three lines of this one song going. I heard that a few times before I finally started singing a few of the amusing songs that I know. His favorites ended up being Eric Bogle's "Nobody's Moggy" and the Austin Lounge Lizards' "Saguaro".

End of the trail

Anyway, we ended up at the Portola State Park HQ around five pm, and discovered to our delight that they had cold sodas and gatorade! We spent a fair amount of time there, rested, and called home to check in. Then we walked the remaining mile and a half to Tarwater Trail Camp. About when we got there, I remembered that I had intended to fill up our waters with tap water at the station, but it had completely slipped my mind. We did have enough for dinner, though, and the freeze-dried spaghetti meal wasn't bad at all.

Sunday, we packed up and headed out; I had been thinking of taking the Pomponio Trail, since it's mostly singletrack, but we talked over the options and ended up walking back on Old Haul Road. It was cooler and a bit of marine layer had been sucked in. Old Haul is just inland from Butano Ridge, so it doesn't get much direct ocean breeze, but as we crossed each side canyon, there was a nice light cool breeze coming down it.

We made pretty good time, and got out to the trailhead and saw a deer on the (paved) road. (Had not seen any deer at all in the wilderness part of the trip.) Headed over to the ranger station and store for milkshakes!

Very fun trip.
11:48:20 PM   comment/     

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