SECD machine into OCaml ... in progress
One of my side projects this past winter has been to figure out what Landin's SECD machine was all about. I started by reading Danvy's "Rational Deconstruction" paper, which implemented the core of the interpreter in ML, in several different ways. Not having a handy ML compiler, nor knowing the language very well, I thought I'd just translate it straight into Ruby. When that was done, I couldn't easily tell whether it was really right, not having a decent set of test data. I grabbed some from the net, but still lacked confidence. So lately I've been translating it into OCaml instead, for which I do have an already-installed compiler. I don't know that language very well either, but it's more familiar to me than straight ML is. The machine part compiles; maybe I'll be able to get the test app running later this week.
Here are my previous Landin/Danvy SECD machine entries:
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