25th Anniversary
Wednesday was Deborah and my 25th anniversary. I remain delighted and amazed to have found and managed to stay with someone who complements and inspires me so much.
We went down to Rio del Mar after work, drove down to the east end by the state park, and set up a small fire in an existing makeshift fire ring. We had a small folding table, complete with tablecloth, flowers, and a candle. Deborah had put together the dinner: steak&mushroom shish-kebabs, four small lobster tails, homemade orzo salad, and a few other goodies. A 1998 Silver Oak Cab that I got for my 50th birthday, a Veuve Cliquot and a couple of desserts from the Cheesecake factory completed the wonderful spread.
From near Scotts Valley, it was looking mighty foggy as we drove down that direction (around 7:30), but the fog turned out to be just fairly low clouds, and the evening was remarkably still, so it never got very cold. At any rate, we had the entire beach to ourselves, for nearly three hours, until a beach cop finally drove by around 10:20 to let us know that the beach "closes" at 10. We were already packing up by then, and he was pleasant about it.
All in all, a truly wonderful evening!
12:57:00 AM