Thursday, April 17, 2003

Social Software Alliance is announced.

We are proud to announce the launch of the Social Software Alliance

The brainchild of the pioneers at SocialText the alliance is intended to be a place where the developers & users of social software can come together to create open standards, and, contribute industry best practices.  Our initial aims are:

  • aid discovery of developers working on synergistic projects and standards
  • assist in shaping open standards that mesh well with other alliance and Internet standards
  • help promote each standard to gain wider adoption

Quoting from the call for discussion:

"The fast-paced nature of the social software space now argues for developing light-weight, easy-to-implement standards, following the Internet tradition of rough consensus and running code, but perhaps moving faster than the larger standards bodies. It is expected that those standards promulgated by the alliance which become widely adopted will be proposed to the appropriate general standards body or bodies: W3C, IETF, ISO, etc. "

There will be a SocialText sponsored Happening tomorrow (see the site for more details) and we hope that anyone who is interested in the development of social software will come and get involved.

[Paolo Valdemarin: Paolo's Weblog]
8:01:33 PM    trackback []     Articulate [] RSS beta. Ask Yahoo!, a daily column that features Q&A with Yahoo!'s expert team of Surfers, is now syndicating its content via RSS. Here's the link to the RSS file:

[Michael J. Radwin's blog]

Hey hey -- some RSS action from Yahoo -- subscribe now so they know we're out here! [Brain Off]

7:53:41 PM    trackback []     Articulate [] 

SharpReader. Implemented Simon Fell's BlogThis plugin interface. If you save your plugin into a "plugins" subdirectory, SharpReader will find the plugin and make it available in the listview popup menu (shortcut ^B). Simon's last drop of Relaxer uses this plugin mechanism to post to RESTLog. Make sure you do NOT put IBlogThis itself in the plugins directory as this causes .NET to load this interface twice. Since SharpReader will use one copy of IBlogThis and your plugin another, SharpReader will not be able to find the plugin (because it will implement the wrong copy of IBlogThis) [SharpReader] Way coooool :) [Simon Fell]
2:48:34 PM    trackback []     Articulate []