Friday, April 18, 2003

What's coming in XHTML 2.0.

Mark Pilgrim has written an excellent introductory tutorial -- the first of several to come -- that is ostensibly about elements dropped from XHTML 2 (and what replaces them). But the piece works equally well as a general primer on how to make the transition from old-school presentational markup to modern, structural stuff. We've bookmarked this piece and look forward to reading next month's follow-up. [Zeldman]

From the article...

There are several key elements and attributes that are slated to be dropped from XHTML 2.

  1. <br /> has been dropped, replaced by <l>...</l>.
  2. The inline style attribute has been dropped, but there are still plenty of ways to define styles.
  3. <img /> has been dropped, replaced by <object>...</object>. As we'll see in next month's article, this may present some serious migration difficulties.
  4. HTML forms have been dropped, replaced by XForms. This is such a major change that it also deserves its own article.

[Raible Designs :: We Build Web Apps]

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