Saturday, June 28, 2003

FOAF time. FOAF iconFOAF Project revamp.

Dan Brickley's had a good clear up on the rdfweb site (the home of FOAF). The front page is now the MT blog, which he's been busy with -

looks like we might be seeing daily tips ;-)

RDFWeb: Friend of a Friend (FOAF) Project [Raw Blog]

Just starting to grok this FOAF scene out.  My conversation with Morten Fredericksen was enlightening.  Now I see that their 'face' is coming together.

  Soon (maybe) they'll even be a  so if someone wants to find out (discover) something on FOAF - they don't have to Google it. 

All standards should have it's own .org page.

That leads one to wonder about - which is currently under control of some......

foaf sample

Anyway - back to FOAF.  So I went to add some 'friends' to my FOAF list last night and sure enough - there are two ways to do that! 

Just when I thought I had a handle on it - it goes meta on me!

Hopefully by the end of today:

     - I'll have resolved these two ways of depicting friends and have added Danny and Jonathan

     - Then I can start on becoming friends with Aaron, Libby, Dan and others - so I can eventually add them as well

     - I'll spend some time grokking afew more FOAF:types - like nearest airport.....

     - And stand in line and wait for the new FOAF-a-matic

     - and MOST IMPORTANTLY start thinking about using FOAF.....

     - because as you all well know, TypePad will be using FOAF for blogrolls and......

Morten turned me onto a XML version of the FOAF bulletin board, which could then (concievably) be used for that horrible of all horrible

concepts - centralized discoverability!  "Oh my"  "Heaven forbid!"

[FoaF Explorer] And for the record - the SVG stuff doesn't work.  I've tried four times to load it - on three different machines.  So I can't get FOAFnaut to work.

Here's a dumb question - representation of more than one degree of friendship?  Has anyone 'done' that yet?  Yet another level of hierarchy?   Formalised at all - yet?

[Marc's Voice]

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