Monday, February 03, 2003

Radio Background Have you ever accidentally dropped an image or an HTML file over the Radio application window? It happens to me once in a while and the result is kind of interesting. Radio actually displays the image, or page, as its background. Fully navigable. A little web browser inside Radio. It is kind of cool until it gets annoying. It only goes away if you shut down Radio and restart.
1:52:07 PM      

On The Radio WindowTypes Framework Hey, I stumbled on something in Radio I did not know about before. On The Radio WindowTypes Framework. Very cool!
1:47:44 PM      

Visual Studio .Net is periodically throwing script errors when I launch it. The errors occur in the browser-based Start Page and seem to reflect the inability to create an instance of some unnamed ActiveX component. This has been happening since I moved to a new machine two weeks ago (my prior machine was so infected by the Elkern virus that my administrator insisted on melting it down). When it happens, it always follows the installation of some new piece of software (e.g. Windows Media Player update, a new Windows security patch). Also, it can always be fixed by re-installing the Windows Scripting Engine.
10:37:58 AM