Jon Phipps' NSDL Weblog
Good stuff that NSDLers might find interesting, and an experiment in using weblogs for community building and knowledge transfer.

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Tuesday, June 03, 2003

"piXlogic has the unique ability to automatically segment an image such that individual objects within the image are uniquely identified. The piXlogic software automatically "vectorizes" the objects, creating metadata containing detailed information about each item in a picture. This gives a user unprecedented capability to find images that contain the same or similar objects regardless of relative size, location, or orientation within the image. In addition, the user can interact with the software and visually select individual objects within a picture, or multiple pictures, to formulate a precise search query. "
6:47:34 PM    comment []

Click here to visit the Radio UserLand website. © Copyright 2003 Jon Phipps.
Last update: 7/24/2003; 2:46:50 PM.

June 2003
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