the power of 0ne

# February 15, 2005

I would like to offer my heartfelt thanks to Nick Bradbury and Adam Stiles for posting about their development procecesses on their Blogs. Thanks to them Dana Epp elaborated on his process.

Now, It'e been a while since I learned that Dana is an expert in computer software. But his latest post was truly eye opening. If you develop software you owe it to yourself to read his latest post.

Bruce Shneier on the transfer of our data to external sources and it's current legal applications.

Results of my research into Radio's upstreaming code are starting to show up ;)

Evil Nick: "I think I'm starting to admit to myself that I'm a Mac User wannabe... kind of. Some things Macs have are just, well, cool." (Scroll down for the bit on Macs).

Tell me about it... ever since the Mac Mini came out I've been thinking that it will most likely be my next computer.

CBC: "WASHINGTON - Another test of the U.S. missile defence system failed Monday when an interceptor missile did not launch from its island base in the Pacific Ocean."

I'm very skeptical of the usefulness of a missile defence system like this one. It can only protect against ICBMs, and if either the Russians or Chinese launch against North America they could easily saturate the current defence system.

The true danger of a nuclear detonation on North American soil is a single nuke smuggled into the country, which this system provides zero protection against.