the power of 0ne

# February 21, 2005

Jeff Cheney points to an article about blogging on SF gate about the drama of blogging, here's a quote:

The Chronicle has an interesting article on blogs. Including the story of Justin Hall, who claims to have blogged for over 11 years far longer than most of the "original" bloggers claim. Overall though, the article is about the drama of stopping blogging and sometimes starting again.

This got me thinking about my first blog, I started it in October of '96. Of course, we didn't call them blog's or even weblogs back then.

It's hard to belive it's been 9 years, I was 16 at the time and in my final year of high school. So what did I blog about at 16? The girl next door maybe? My favourite sports team? Hell no! It was all about what I hoped would be the coolest computer game ever: Starcraft... I am a Geek afer all ;)

What a wild ride, I started out hosting the site on the 5mb of free hosting that came with my parents dialup account. The free page setups such as Geocities never really appealed to me. I wanted 'real' hosting that I could FTP to.

At some point I was offered hosting on, for a while I had the 'official' Starcraft page there. Boy was I ever proud of myself... until they decided that all of their hosted sites would have to display the pcgaming header (including banner ads) at the top of their page. I wish I still had a copy of the email conversation I had with them, where I argued that no one would have control over the content or style of my website.

I ended up ditching pcgaming and moving back to my parents free hosting. When I started college in the fall of '97 I moved the page there and continued to update it for most of my first session, at one point I was getting over 200 hits a day.

But eventually college life caught up to me and I had better things to do than write about Starcraft: Coding, lan parties, star wars marathons, you know the usual (forgotten already? I'm a geek).

Amazingly my parents still have the same dialup account and I was able to dig up my old site. You can see bits of it over here: