Avalnache up 3-0 over LA. Getting rough in the 3rd quarter. Nobody can believe the calls. I've been there as a referee. It really sucks when you look around for support and both teams think you're nuts and the people you're working with are telling you that you are wrong. Of course you have no way out with grace. So you panic.
Panic seldom gets you out of trouble. Adrenalin can help though. It gives you that extra energy in case you lucked out and both teams are on the same side of the field. Hmm...better jog over to the side of the field with no teams. Much quieter there. Let all the people that are yelling run the game ... bet they'll be begging me to start reffing again.
Depending on others to come to their senses AND agree with you seldom gets you out of trouble. I've had the fans and players rush me twice in my life. Very nervous times those. That's when the adrenalin really comes in handy. Flight or Fight. You kiddin'?
9:42:51 PM