Coyote Gulch


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  Sunday, April 2, 2006

Coyote Gulch outage
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Coyote Gulch is getting a new metal, ceramic and plastic hip on Monday morning. Posts for the first part of the week will depend on connectivity from the hospital. We should be back by Thursday at the latest.

10:10:55 AM     

Apple is 30
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Happy 30th Birthday to Apple Computer. Coyote Gulch loves your products. Here's the link to the ad that started the Macintosh revolution.

10:01:07 AM     

William F. Buckley, Jr.: Iraq war a failure "William F. Buckley Jr., the longtime conservative writer and leader, said George W. Bush's presidency will be judged entirely by the outcome of a war in Iraq that is now a failure."

Thanks to The Moderate Voice for the link.

Category: 2008 Presidential Election

9:33:20 AM     

Beauprez or Holtzman for governor?

Here's an in-depth look at Bob Beauprez and Marc Holtzman from yesterday's Rocky Mountain News. From the article, "Congressman Bob Beauprez and former University of Denver president Marc Holtzman, the two Republican candidates for governor, already are engaged in a fierce contest for the nomination. As the campaigns gear up for the Aug. 8 primary, accusations are flying - or, in some cases, being whispered - about each man's record and character. Both camps have done their opposition research. Democratic candidate Bill Ritter will join the fray later in the campaign season, but for now, it's the two Republicans who are squaring off. Holtzman gave a preview of what was to come during last year's Referendum C campaign when he depicted Beauprez as a flip-flopper on the issues, calling him 'Both Ways Bob.' Beauprez's camp, meanwhile, is quietly pointing out that Holtzman was once the subject of a congressional inquiry."

Category: Denver November 2006 Election

9:22:57 AM     

Voter registration efforts

Several groups are mounting a voter registration effort for Hispanic voters, according to the Denver Post. From the article, "Latino activists in Colorado are working to steer many of the 50,000 immigration-reform protesters who marched on the State Capitol last weekend into voting booths in November. Groups aimed at getting Latinos to the polls are hoping to register thousands over the next several months in hopes of getting the estimated 574,000 Latinos in Colorado to flex their political muscles. In Greeley - where immigration became a local flash point between many local Latinos and the district attorney last fall - there are already signs of a political uprising...

"The Latina Initiative - an organization separate from the state Democratic Party - registered 2,700 people in 2004 and hopes to register 1,000 more this year. The group, aimed at Latina voters and their households, is adding immigration to the collection of issues - education, health care and jobs - that it already uses to persuade women to register to vote in Denver, Adams and Boulder counties. In addition, the initiative is working on a partnership with the National Council of La Raza to mobilize voters and build awareness about naturalization among those who are eligible to become voting citizens."

Category: Denver November 2006 Election

9:06:04 AM     

Ritter or Holtzman or Beauprez for governor?

Bob Beauprez, Marc Holtzman and Bill Ritter were in Grand Junction yesterday howling with the rainy side of Colorado, according to the Glenwood Springs Post Independent. From the article, " Lacking a primary opponent in his own party, Democrat Bill Ritter squared off Saturday against the two Republicans who are vying for the chance to run against him for governor this fall. Marc Holtzman, of Carbondale, and U.S. Rep. Bob Beauprez joined Ritter in Grand Junction at a candidate forum sponsored by Club 20, the Western Slope political lobbying organization. The event served as a preview of the general election to come later this year, as two proponents of conservative principles contrasted with Ritter and his call for a government willing to invest in social programs on behalf of Colorado's citizens. Ritter said he benefited from food stamps during some hard times as a child when he was being raised in a fatherless home, and from financial aid that helped him attend college and get a law degree...

"Holtzman focused his comments on his key campaign themes, including his opposition to illegal immigration and to last year's Referendum C, which voters passed and lifts state spending limits. He said it is now being forecast that Referendum C will cost taxpayers $4.2 billion, up from a $3.1 billion estimate a year ago. He wonders if voters would have passed the measure if they had been given the higher forecast before they voted, and said he would like to pursue tax cuts and property tax relief...

"Beauprez said he would bring 'common-sense conservative discipline' to Colorado as governor. Being raised on a farm taught him work ethics as well as the importance of water to Colorado, he said. He also was shaped by being a banker and small businessman who provided jobs and met a payroll, he said."

Here's the coverage from the Pueblo Chieftain. They write, "On health care, Beauprez stressed streamlining paperwork saying 30 percent of medical costs are administrative overhead. He advocated using approaches pioneered by other states to better use Medicaid money to manage costs. Ritter said 770,000 Colorado residents, about 17 percent of the state's population, lack health insurance. He said the health 'crisis has gone on too long.' Holtzman urged purchase of health savings accounts, disclosure of health care costs, and using tuition and other incentives to get health professionals to practice in smaller communities, as solutions to the health crisis...

"All three said severance taxes collected on energy development should be distributed by current formulas, which generally send half the money to the state and half back to the counties where the money was generated to mitigate the impacts of energy development."

Here's the coverage from the Denver Post. From the article, "For the first time, Colorado's three major gubernatorial candidates stood together on one stage Saturday to set themselves apart on hot-button issues ranging from health care to immigration while trying to convince an attentive Western Slope audience in mostly cowboy boots that they, too, bleed rural sensibilities. The tenor of the debate, sponsored by the influential Club 20 action group, was evenhanded until near the end, when Republican candidate Marc Holtzman broke from the debate's format - structured to prevent direct sparring between him, party rival U.S. Rep. Bob Beauprez and uncontested Democratic candidate Bill Ritter - and ambushed Beauprez, raising questions about his record when Beauprez had no time left to reply...

Category: Denver November 2006 Election

8:42:36 AM     


Here's an article about immigration from the Colorado Springs Gazette. They write, "National opinion polls on the issue provide no slam-dunk win for either side. A Zogby International poll released March 19, for example, found 62 percent of respondents would prefer that their congressional delegate support tougher immigration rules. In the same poll, 69 percent of respondents said they oppose building a wall on the border. Botero points to another poll, conducted in October for the Manhattan Institute think tank. That poll found 72 percent of likely Republican voters favor letting illegal immigrants register with authorities, pay a fine and receive temporary worker permits."

Category: 2008 Presidential Election

8:34:27 AM     

Will Lake Powell ever fill again?
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According to the Salt Lake Tribune, Lake Powell may never reach high pool again. Coyote Gulch remembers having to use the high trail around the confluence of Coyote Gulch and the Escalante River due to the level of Lake Powell. That was around the time they nearly lost Glen Canyon Dam due to erosion in the spillways.

From the article, "But for those who long for the day when Lake Powell will be replenished to the brim - about 3,700 feet - the wait could be a long one. A nearly finalized agreement between the seven Colorado River Basin states regarding future management of the river calls for the joint, coordinated operation of Lake Powell in the upper basin and its sister reservoir, Lake Mead, downstream in the lower basin. The thrust of the idea is to ensure, as much as possible, that neither reservoir suffers at the expense of the other during future dry periods. The upside: Federal and state water officials believe that, barring a hydrological catastrophe, such a coordinated approach will prevent Powell from draining to the depths it reached during the drought. On the other hand, the deal - which probably will be incorporated into an ongoing federal environmental study of drought conditions on the Colorado River - will in most years prevent Powell from refilling to its historical high-water mark...

"Under the new management criteria, Bureau of Reclamation officials expect that Powell's median elevation will hover between 3,630 and 3,640 feet over the next decade. That's still 60 to 70 feet below the reservoir's full line, but still plenty of water for boaters to launch their craft and for marinas to operate...

"Not everybody agrees with such optimistic assessments. Environmental groups clamoring for the decommissioning of Glen Canyon Dam and draining of Lake Powell say federal and state officials are ignoring long-term historical trends - at their peril. 'They're concentrating on a historic record based upon the 20th century. But those who study tree rings call it the wettest century in 1,200 years,' says Jon Weisheit, conservation director of the Moab-based Living Rivers organization. 'What we've lived through has been an anomaly. The whole thing is based on bad science, and this new agreement just basically maintains the status quo. They're ignoring the good work that's being done by climatologists, something they could use and benefit from.' Richard Ingebretsen, founder of the Glen Canyon Institute, a group that advocates draining Lake Powell to uncover the lost Glen Canyon, said that at the Bureau of Reclamation's projected median elevations, many of the side canyons, including much of the Escalante River, will be above water."

Category: Colorado Water

8:27:24 AM     

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