Coyote Gulch


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  Monday, June 12, 2006

Alternative to Southern Delivery System?
A picture named arkansasfountainconverge.jpg

According to the Pueblo Chieftain, attorney Ray Petros, is going to present a solution other than the Southern Delivery System for Colorado Springs. From the article, "A Denver water attorney has an idea he believes is a reasonable alternative and superior solution to the Southern Delivery System. He'll present the Pueblo City Council with details tonight. Ray Petros, who advises Pueblo County in water rights issues, is proposing a large lake or series of lakes along Fountain Creek near the El Paso and Pueblo counties' line that could serve as the source for the 80,000 acre-feet of water Colorado Springs has asked for under the current SDS. Petros said it could also be panacea of sorts for a number of problems facing the Fountain. Petros contends that while the SDS as proposed will provide water for Colorado Springs to grow, much of that water will be returned down the Fountain, exacerbating problems that are already associated with flooding and sediment buildup along the creek...

"Creating the lakes would allow storage for Colorado Springs and slow the flows to a pace more commensurate with the Fountain's history. The proposal could also save Colorado Springs from having to build another 20 miles of pipeline. If the city took water from the retention lake at the county line, the water would have far less to travel to get to Williams Creek Reservoir, which is where the water from the Pueblo Reservoir is destined under the current SDS proposal. Petros also said the plan could create an open space and recreational corridor between Pueblo and Colorado Springs. Petros stresses it's still just a plan, but hopes the Bureau of Reclamation will study its feasibility. 'The main thing is that this is a study concept,' Petros said. 'We want to try to get people to think globally and try to get everyone on the same page.'"

"colorado water"
7:32:47 PM     

Clinton or Edwards for president?

Ed Cone: "John Edwards leads an early poll in Iowa. A very, very, early poll. But still he leads it."

Political Wire: "Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY)'s 'deep-pocketed Democratic donors in red states have made the Republican strongholds highly profitable for her re-election campaign -- and a likely 2008 White House bid,' reports the New York Post. 'Nine of Clinton's 20 most lucrative fund-raising states went to President Bush in the 2004 election.'"

"2008 pres"
6:31:38 PM     

Immigration amendment: Unconstitutional

SoapBlox Colorado: "The amendment, propagated by the group Defend Colorado Now, which would have barred state government services from going to illegal immigrants (which realistically, doesn't really happen unless you count things like immigrants going to Colorado State Parks...and the group does) has now been declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court."

"denver 2006"
6:28:04 PM     

Whitewater sports == beneficial use
A picture named kayaker.jpg

Whitewater rafting and kayaking as an economic stimulus attracts many skeptics. Here's an report from the Rocky Mountain News about Salida's success at attracting and monetizing the sport.

From the article, "In the 1980s this former railroad, agriculture and mining hub literally was crumbling around the edges, with more than 100 century-old Victorian buildings in varying states of disrepair. The city's downtown park and riverfront area along the Arkansas River had deteriorated badly during a statewide economic recession, and construction debris and trash littered the banks of one of the state's great rivers. A major preservation push led to the creation of the state's largest historic district, a move that brought businesses and a burgeoning arts community back into the core commercial area along F Street. And later a new white-water park - it was one of the first in the state - re-energized the waterfront with a riverwalk, restoration of Riverside Park and one of the best play holes for kayakers anywhere in Colorado. Now Salida bills itself as the 'Boating Capital of the World,' and its 58th Blue Paddle FIBark Festival is expected to attract about 25,000 visitors Thursday-June 18...

"FIBark, the state's oldest boating festival, dates to a 1949 bet between two friends over who could canoe the fastest between Salida and Cañon City, about 56 miles through the daunting Royal Gorge. That downriver race still is part of FIBark, although it has been shortened by more than half, but numerous other events have been added, including a pro kayak rodeo that will attract some of the world's best pro kayakers."

"colorado water"
6:26:25 PM     

Ritter or Beauprez or Holtzman for governor?

Colorado Pols: "Democrat Bill Ritter today announced a slew of Republicans endorsing his campaign for governor.

Colorado Pols: "Republican Marc Holtzman may or may not be a candidate for governor, but he's going on TV anyway."

Colorado Pols: "The Denver Post ran a profile on Republican Bob Beauprez yesterday that was devastating on a number of levels. Colorado Lib runs down the negatives well, but in general, Beauprez ended up looking like someone who had no clear plan or direction about what he wanted to do as governor, and the Post ran down a number of instances where he publicly contradicted himself. The article also talked about how Beauprez has said that he would put his party over the interests of the people. Beauprez clearly doesn't have a real message yet, and he's not going to be able to coast along on charm and attack ads in a statewide race like he did in his two congressional races."

"denver 2006"
6:15:25 PM     

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