Coyote Gulch


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  Wednesday, January 3, 2007

? for U.S. Senate

Say hello to Run Wayne Run. They're hoping Wayne Allard runs for another term in the U.S. Senate.

More on the 2008 U.S. Senate race from the Longmont Daily Times-Call. Thank to Dan Haley for the link.

"denver 2008"
7:11:17 PM     

Salazar for Vice President?

Here's a nice roundup of the should Clinton choose Salazar for a running mate conversation, stirred up on the Chris Matthews show, from TalkLeft.

"2008 pres"
6:55:50 PM     

Clinton for president?

Political Wire: "Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) 'has spent much of the last month behind closed doors, putting the final touches on a presidential campaign-in-waiting,' according to the Los Angeles Times. 'Her hectic schedule has been crammed with private lunches and phone conversations with elected officials and political operatives. She has sounded out Democratic Party officials from New York to Des Moines about her chances and hired a cadre of new campaign aides.'"

"2008 pres"
7:00:01 AM     

Giuliani for president?

Crooks and Liars: "Poor Rudy. Like a scene out of season 7 of West Wing, Giuliani lost personal information about his campaign that could help his rivals in the presidential run. In West Wing however, Alan Alda gave them back to Jimmy Smits. Rudy wasn't so lucky and it was leaked to the NY Daily News."

Ed Cone: "Missing from Giuliani's secret how-to-run-for-president dossier: the part about not losing one's secret dossier."

"2008 pres"
6:54:13 AM     

Obama for president?

Oliver Willis: "The swiftboating of Barack Obama begins."

TalkLeft: "Obama's admitted cocaine use."

Captain's Quarters: "The Nature Of Youthful Indiscretions ... is that they should be handled discreetly. However, the tabloidesque nature of national politics over the last generation has eliminated discretion, and it appears the next example of this will be Barack Obama. The Washington Post manages to both raise Obama's youthful choices on drugs and then question their applicability to a man two decades past their use.

"2008 pres"
6:43:40 AM     


President Bush (via the Wall Street Journal): "In the days ahead, I will be addressing our nation about a new strategy to help the Iraqi people gain control of the security situation and hasten the day when the Iraqi government gains full control over its affairs. Ultimately, Iraqis must resolve the most pressing issues facing them. We can't do it for them.

"But we can help Iraq defeat the extremists inside and outside of Iraq--and we can help provide the necessary breathing space for this young government to meet its responsibilities. If democracy fails and the extremists prevail in Iraq, America's enemies will be stronger, more lethal, and emboldened by our defeat. Leaders in both parties understand the stakes in this struggle. We now have the opportunity to build a bipartisan consensus to fight and win the war."

Meanwhile, from the Wall Street Journal, "As the new Congress is sworn in this week, fewer Americans think Democrats, Republicans and President Bush will be able to work together to pass legislation in the next two years, according to a Harris Interactive poll. Nearly half of Americans (47%) believe the results of the congressional elections were a good thing for the U.S., according to the online survey, while 19% say the outcome was bad and 35% aren't sure. At the same time, 43% say having a president and a majority in Congress belonging to different parties is an advantage for the U.S., while 24% say it is worse for the country and 32% aren't sure."

"2008 pres"
6:36:58 AM     

Dem convention in Denver?
A picture named denver20081106.jpg

Labor officials are still trying to work out their problems with Denver hosting the 2008 Democratic National Convention, according to the Rocky Mountain News. From the article, "A local labor official received a call Tuesday from AFL-CIO President John Sweeney, asking what it would take to overcome union objections to bringing the 2008 Democratic National Convention to the Pepsi Center. The call was the latest sign that a labor dispute that has held up Denver's bid for the convention is now being worked out in Washington, D.C. Denver's bid ran into trouble last month, when the local stagehands' union, which would do the setup for the convention, objected to working in the normally non-union Pepsi Center. The union is required to sign a pledge not to strike or picket during the gathering before Denver's bid can be considered...

"According to [Leslie Moody, president of the Denver Area Labor Federation], Sweeney said he has been talking with Dean and doesn't believe a decision on where to hold the convention will be made for another two weeks. Moody said that Jim Taylor, president of Local 7 of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, was trying to convince Democratic officials they could hold the convention at the Colorado Convention Center, which is unionized. However, most everyone involved with the effort says having a large basketball arena is a necessity. Taylor did not return calls seeking comment. Steve Adams, president of the Colorado AFL-CIO, said he thought the dispute would be settled in Washington. He said national labor officials have authority to negotiate a deal on behalf of local affiliates."

More coverage from the Denver Post. They write, "'Jim [Taylor] is actually really curious about the convention center and why it hasn't been seriously considered as the venue,' Moody said. 'He is really looking into that and looking at the bid and figuring out why they have written off the Colorado Convention Center so much.' But host committee officials said the convention center is simply not an option. The Democratic National Committee specifically asked for a basketball arena for the convention, said Debbie Willhite, the executive director of Denver's host committee. And host committee president Elbra Wedgeworth said switching to the convention center would amount to creating an entirely new bid in the 11th hour. She added that the convention center is booked during the weeks needed for the 2008 convention."

"2008 pres"
6:25:29 AM     

The drought won't be over until we have winter
A picture named irrigation.jpg

Farmers in southeast Colorado are pleased with the recent snowfall, despite having to fight the drifts to feed cattle, according to the Pueblo Chieftain. So what's the snowpack look like down south? From the article, "The December snowstorms helped build up the moisture content in the soil, [farmer Dale Mauch] explained. The 5-6 inches of moisture content in the most recent snow will be added to more than 20 inches of rain that fell last year in the Lamar area - almost all of it after farmers already had prepared for another year of drought...

"While the storm dumped on the southern mountains and Eastern Plains, it did not have much impact on snowpack in the upper parts of the Arkansas Basin or in the Upper Colorado, which provides water imports for the Arkansas Valley. Overall, snowpack in the Arkansas Basin is at 130 percent of average, and right at average in the Upper Colorado...

"Winter water storage in Lake Pueblo, an indicator of how much water is in the river during the winter months, is still a little below the 17-year average, but well above levels seen since 2001, [Water Division 2 Engineer Steve Witte] said...

"Lake Pueblo storage is only about 88 percent of average because of five years of depletion, and a lot depends on what happens later in spring, particularly March and April, when the greatest snowpack accumulates in the mountains."

"colorado water"
6:04:48 AM     

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