Coyote Gulch


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  Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Crime down in Denver?

The Cherry Creek News is reporting that, according to Mayor Hickenlooper, crime is down in Denver. From the article, "Crime in Denver dropped 10% in 2006 compared to 2005, according to data released by the Denver Department of Safety today. Figures compiled by the Safety Office of Policy Analysis show that both violent and property crime are down, and that the eight major crimes tracked by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) were down 14% in Denver last year.

"'Denver is a safer place due to the dedication and hard work of Denver's police officers and our community partners,' said Mayor John Hickenlooper. 'Certainly, there is still work to be done, but we are very encouraged by these results. We look forward to working with the community to build upon this progress.'

"Measures of police activity, including citations, arrests and other officer-initiated actions, were all up in 2006, according to Denver Police Chief Gerald Whitman. 'The annual report shows how effective our police officers can be and demonstrates the impact of our relentless focus on real-time information to address crime,' Whitman said. 'We can see what's happening faster and get on top of the issues right away, so we can solve crime problems as they develop.'"

8:37:51 PM     

Energy policy: Alternative Fuels and the West

New West: "Western states have taken the burgeoning interest in alternative energy to sell themselves economically and politically to the rest of the country, and the world. Even Idaho, still a darling to conservatism and tradition, has jumped on the alternatively fueled bandwagon to play a role."

"2008 pres"
8:35:13 PM     

Schaffer for U.S. Senate?

The Durango Herald caught up with Bob Schaffer recently. From the article, "One of the top potential candidates for U.S. Senate expressed doubts about running Monday. Bob Shaffer, a favorite of conservative Republicans, said he's considering a run but doesn't know if the time is right for a candidate like him. 'In 2008, for a Republican to win, everything needs to line up perfectly,' said Shaffer, a former U.S. Congressman from the Eastern Plains."

"denver 2008"
8:33:15 PM     

War on terror

Josh Marshall: "Joint Chiefs Chairman Peter Pace is again knocking down Pentagon claims that the Iranian government is behind those super-IEDs being used in Iraq. Now again today in Jakarta."

"2008 pres"
8:30:12 PM     

Alabama moving primary to February 2nd? "This is interesting. Alabama will be moving up to February 2nd."

"2008 pres"
7:01:21 PM     


Political Wire: "Americans 'overwhelmingly support congressional action to cap the number of U.S. troops in Iraq and set a timetable to bring them home by the end of next year,' a USA Today/Gallup Poll."

"2008 pres"
6:57:36 PM     

Blogging and politics

New York Daily News: "A recent Pew report found that nearly 20% of voters in the 2004 election relied primarily on the Internet to get their political news. That's going to soar."

"2008 pres"
6:53:02 PM     

? for president?

Political Wire: "Gov. Mitt Romney's media team 'is exploring the cost of buying early television ads in Iowa and New Hampshire,' The Hotline reports.

"'The aide, speaking on the condition of anonymity, would not say when Romney's campaign intended to run ads, only that the campaign had inquired about the available time and rough cost of ads in both states.'"

Poltical Wire: "In his first major campaign event in New Hampshire, Sen. Barack Obama 'touted his message of change last night to a 3,000-strong crowd at the University of New Hampshire,' according to the New Hampshire Union Leader."

Andrew Sullivan: "My major fear with Giuliani is civil liberties. He hasn't met one he wouldn't get rid of. And I doubt the mayor who backed the NYPD in the Diallo case is going to stop torture. But from the perspective of saving Republicanism from the abyss of Christianism, Rudy is definitely the candidate to watch. McCain is fading, I'm afraid. Rudy is just beginning."

Dan Haley (via Denver Post Bloghouse): "Angling to be the 'real conservative' in the race, former Gov. Mitt Romney joined the presidential race on the GOP side today."

"2008 pres"
5:56:10 PM     

? for president?

The Right's Field: "Conservative Christian columnist Joseph Farah of WorldNetDaily doesn't like John McCain. His column today delves into the zeitgeist on the religious right with regards to McCain. Farah notes that while Jerry Falwell has embraced McCain, other Christian leaders are very wary of him, notably James Dobson." "Several things have come together for Mike Huckabee recently. National Journal is giving him a bump. He picks up some good staff in New Hampshire. He gets called one of the two options for Evangelicals (although McCain is getting some attention).

"For Huckabee, there are two or three issues. First, can he perform in Iowa? The argument that Huckabee can succeed in Iowa -- here succeed means, probably, a top-3 finish -- works like this. Huckabee is a great speaker. He was a pastor and knows how to connect to his audience. The most Republican part of Iowa is out West and Protestant. (this is important because the eastern part of Catholic but more Democratic... The Republicans here would seem like natural Brownback stomping ground) Huckabee should be able to mobilize voters, and, as I've argued, there is no shortage of conservative voters in Iowa. If Iowa social conservatives vote on that issue alone, then Huckabee would be my pick for top-performing 'conservative' candidate." "On the day that Mitt Romney is announcing, his campaign must have known that his opponents were going to find ways to dump on him. Sam Brownback attacks Romney for misrepresenting Brownback's record. Three Romney supporters jump ship to McCain. Perhaps worse, the press dumps on him. Romney's local Fox-affiliate (he's still from Boston right?) ran a segment on last night's 10pm news that's devastating, digging up more debate tape from his 1994 debate with Ted Kennedy. A WorldNetDaily article compares his flip-flopping to Romney's father's. This is particularly devastating, given Romney's obsession with his father's 'brainwashing' comment."

TalkLeft: "I've been rough on Barack Obama. I think, fairly. Many say not fairly. But I am beginning to see qualities that I think are necessary for a successful run for the Presidency. Yesterday in Frank Rich's column, Obama addresses some concerns: 'Mr. Obama is well aware of the serious criticisms he engenders, including the charge that he is conciliatory to a fault. He argues that he is 'not interested in just splitting the difference' when he habitually seeks a consensus on tough issues. 'There are some times where we need to be less bipartisan,' he says. 'I'm not interested in cheap bipartisanship. We should have been less bipartisan in asking tough questions about entering into this Iraq war.' No cheap Broder/Lieberman/McCain 'bipartisanship' for Obama."

"2008 pres"
6:15:16 AM     

War on terror

Andrew Sullivan: "Lincoln on pre-emptive war and the presidency"

Josh Marshall: "Sens. Dodd (D-CT) and Menendez (D-NJ) to introduce bill banning torture and reinstituting habeas corpus."

"2008 pres"
6:12:04 AM     

Denver record for measurable snow?
A picture named snowflakesbentley.jpg

Denver may set a record this week for the length of time measurable snow has been on the ground, according to the Denver Post. From the article, "Snow - if you can still call this hard and dirty stuff snow - has covered many of Denver's streets, yards and sidewalks for 55 days as of today, the third-longest period on record, according to the National Weather Service. In an open field near the old Stapleton airport, where experts measure Denver's snowpack every morning before sunrise, there was still an average of 4 inches Monday. That - and the cold temperatures and snow flurries predicted for the rest of this week - may be enough to break a record. The city's second-longest record for snow cover, 60 consecutive days, was set in the winter of 1913-14, said Matt Kelsch, a meteorologist with the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research in Boulder. Monday would be 61 days. And if there is still just one-tenth of an inch of snow on the ground at that spot in Stapleton a week from Thursday, Denver will have a new record. Denver's longest stretch of snow cover was 63 days in 1983-1984, Kelsch said."

"colorado water"
6:04:50 AM     

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