Coyote Gulch


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  Monday, February 26, 2007

Happy Birthday Julius Erving
A picture named juliuserving.jpg

Happy Birthday to Dr. J. From Wikipedia, "Julius Winfield Erving II (born February 22, 1950 in Roosevelt, New York), commonly known by the nickname Dr. J, is a former American basketball player who helped launch a modern style of play that emphasizes leaping and play above the rim."

Coyote Gulch maxed out a credit card during those last ABA playoffs. Dr. J and Bobby Jones. What a show.

8:56:03 PM     

Campaign finance

Progressive Pulse: "Let's remove the special interests from the elections and see if we can do better than dumb luck."

"2008 pres"
8:45:57 PM     

Clinton for president?

Political Wire: "Former President Bill Clinton 'is hosting a series of private gatherings of elite donors designed to bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars a pop for his wife's President campaign,' according to TPM Cafe.

"The unusual thing about these events is that the main attraction is the candidate's spouse, since Sen. Hillary Clinton doesn't even attend."

"2008 pres"
6:12:18 PM     

McInnis or Udall for U.S. Senate?

CQ Politics: "Retired House member Scott McInnis, a Republican who represented Colorado's 3rd District from 1993 to 2005, has filed paperwork that formalizes his bid for the seat of Republican Sen. Wayne Allard, who is retiring after two terms. McInnis, a lawyer and lobbyist, is widely viewed as the front-runner for the Republican nomination that would likely pit him against Democrat Mark Udall, the five-term representative of Colorado's 2nd District. Although Udall has not yet made his Senate candidacy official, he signaled as early as two years ago that he intends to run in the 2008 race. McInnis submitted a 'statement of candidacy' and a 'statement of organization' to the Senate Office of Public Records, which processed the documents Feb. 21. By filing the documents, McInnis can begin raising money for his incipient Senate campaign, which he has not yet formally announced. He may also transfer the $943,000 that sits in the House campaign account he kept open, even though he declined to seek re-election in 2004. Campaign finance regulations allow a current or former House member to transfer unlimited funds from his or her House campaign committee to a Senate campaign committee. Udall also has horded significant campaign resources to prepare for a statewide race. Udall had $1.3 million in his House campaign account as 2007 began, even after expending $932,000 over a 2005-06 election cycle that produced an easy win for the 2nd District incumbent."

Thanks to Colorado Confidential for the link.

"denver 2008"
6:08:50 PM     

Global warming: The Earth is a beautifully complex system
A picture named antarctica.gif

NASA: "Imagine peering down from aboard an airplane flying at 35,000 feet and spotting changes in the thickness of a paper back book on a picnic blanket in New York City's Central Park. If you believe this impossible, NASA satellites are doing the equivalent of just that. From nearly 400 miles above the Earth, satellites have detected subtle rises and falls in the surface of fast-moving ice streams on the Antarctic ice sheet, a capability that also offers scientists an extraordinary view of interconnected waterways deep below that surface."

"2008 pres"
7:11:48 AM     

Stem cell research

Oliver Willis: "Just more evidence that the next Democratic president needs to make the promise of lifting the de facto ban on stem cell research a major part of the 2008 campaign. '[MSNBC] A scientific panel says a 2002 study that suggested adult stem cells might be as useful as embryonic ones was flawed and its conclusions may be wrong, a finding that raises questions about the promise of a less controversial source for stem cells.' Lives are at stake."

"2008 pres"
7:00:09 AM     

Economic Policy

Frank Luntz (via the Washington Post): "Republicans in Congress cannot regain their majority merely by relying on a coalition of traditional conservatives and evangelicals. They must reach out to what I call "the fed-ups" -- a large and growing constituency of independent voters who have held the balance of power in every election since 1992, and will hold it again in 2008.

"It was only 14 years ago that nearly 20 million voters rejected both Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush in favor of H. Ross Perot, a little man with big ears and a big idea. Perot's principal claim on their allegiance in the presidential election of 1992 was his insistence that government should be competent, sensible and honest about its finances. His supporters were mad as hell and weren't going to take it anymore. Those voters -- 19 percent of the electorate -- demonstrated that there was a potent political movement of fed-up Americans."

Thanks to Andrew Sullivan for the link.

"2008 pres"
6:57:52 AM     

Western primary?

New West: "The Western presidential primary is beginning to take shape. With New Mexico and Arizona and Nevada already committed, Montana officially took a step toward joining in a Feb. 5 primary election with an bill just introduced in the state House of Representatives this week. Meanwhile, seed funding for the primary in Utah got broad support and Colorado lawmakers at least started 'discussions' on moving their primary up to what is shaping up to be a national 'Super Duper' Tuesday."

"2008 pres"
6:25:53 AM     

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