Coyote Gulch


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  Sunday, September 30, 2007

? for President?

The Moderate Voice: "New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani remains the favorite in polls in the 2008 Republican Presidential nomination sweepstakes -- but there are rumblings that his luck could run out. Unlike Arizona Senator John McCain, who has been walking a political tightrope hoping to keep his old supporters and win over old foes -- and falling off of the tightrope with politically un-astute statements - Giuliani has been surviving the bumps along the way. But Salon reports that members of the Religious Right intend to blackball Giuliani and if necessary run a third party candidate against him, if he gets the GOP Presidential nomination."

Political Wire: "A new Newsweek poll in Iowa gives Sen. Barack Obama the lead in the Democratic presidential race with 28% support among likely caucus goers, followed by Sen. Hillary Clinton at 24%, John Edwards at 22% and Gov. Bill Richardson at 10%. On the GOP side, Mitt Romney leads with 24%, followed by Fred Thompson at 16%, Rudy Giuliani at 13%, Mike Huckabee at 12% and Sen. John McCain at 9%."

"2008 pres"
6:24:36 PM     


Talking Points Memo: "Ezra Klein has a terrific piece in the LA Times today, detailing how presidential candidates from both parties are approaching the national healthcare debate. The Dem candidates' plans are similar, Ezra explains, as are the Republicans' approaches, leaving the public with a clear choice of direction."

Don Surber: "Americans don't skimp on health care. 15% of the nation's economy is now dedicated to health care. An under-reported study by Lancet Oncology magazine shows that cancer survival rates in the U.S. continue to outstrip those in Europe. The 5-year survival rate for all cancers in Europe was 47.3% for men and 55.8% for women."

"2008 pres"
6:18:48 PM     

Use Only What You Need
A picture named chipsbarry.jpg

Here's a tongue-in-cheek look at Denver Water's Use Only What You Need conservation campaign from Westword.

"colorado water"
2:04:02 PM     

Colorado Groundwater Management Policy Forum
A picture named groundwateragt.jpg

Here's a look at the legal issues around groundwater recharge from The Pueblo Chieftain. From the article:

"When the law defies the laws of nature, the law is an ass," joked Colorado Supreme Court Justice Greg Hobbs. Hobbs, a water lawyer before joining the high court 11 years ago, writes most of the decisions dealing with water law for the court. Hobbs described how Colorado water law evolved by 1965 to recognize that large areas of groundwater in the state are connected to streams. The exceptions are designated groundwater basins and the deep aquifers of the Denver Basin that are not connected with any surface supplies. "Just as a ditch is a diversion structure, a well is a diversion structure," Hobbs said. "If you're in a low-water year, you're subject to curtailment." A well permit is just permission to drill for the water, and water obtained from the well is subject to the same requirements for beneficial use as surface water, he explained.

A subsequent law passed in 1969 introduced the concept of augmentation, which requires replacement water to the stream for water pumped out of priority. In the years after 1969, the Legislature passed laws that gave authority to the state engineer to implement temporary augmentation plans, but still requiring court filings. "The state engineer said in approving supplemental supply plans, you've got to go into court. People did not follow suit," Hobbs said. Supreme Court cases in recent years ruled the State Engineer cannot issue supplemental supply plans year after year if users do not file for augmentation plans in courts. Those court decisions resulted in the curtailment of agricultural wells in the South Platte basin last year.

Denver lawyer Steve Sims explained Aurora's Prairie Waters Project, which proposes to pump reclaimed return flows into a well field at Broomfield and pumping it back to a treatment plant at Aurora. The underground storage, located on farms Aurora bought, will be confined by impermeable barriers. "It's not so much storage, a giant sand filter to clean the water," Sims said...

Colorado Springs lawyer Sandy MacDougall said the rights of landowners on top of proposed underground reservoirs needs to be considered. Changing water quality, moving water under land or changing surface flows all need to be considered, MacDougall said. "Don't allow the water to pass through and cause damage to the land," MacDougall said. "If you're bringing these plans forward, don't harm anyone, because I think they'll sue you if you do."

More Coyote Gulch coverage here.

"colorado water"
10:50:31 AM     

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