Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Real Clear Politics: "it's looking more and more likely that the eight states of the Southwest and the broader interior West -- Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming -- are on their way to becoming the next great swing region in American politics. As the Republican Party tilts on its South-West axis, increasingly favoring southern values (religion, morality, tradition) over western ones (freedom, independence, privacy), the Democrats have been presented with a tremendous opportunity. If the Republican Party doesn't want to lose its hold over all of the West, as it lost hold of once-reliable California more than a decade ago, its leaders are going to have to rethink their embrace of big-government, big-religion conservatism.
Thanks to the Bill Richardson Blog for the link.
"2008 pres"
7:47:11 PM

Mayor Hickenlooper is asking for help in landing the 2008 Democratic National Convention, according to the Denver Post. From the article, "Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper is asking governors of four other Western states [Montanan, New Mexico, Wyoming, Arizona] to raise millions of dollars to bring the Democratic National Convention to Denver. While there is enthusiastic support for a Rocky Mountain convention in theory, governors are harder to pin down on dollars. 'What I said to John (Hickenlooper) is, 'Giddy-up, I'm in,' Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer said. 'It's high time that Democrats across America see the kind of Democrats that we have in the West.' While Schweitzer was ready to ride with the convention, he flinched at a $6 million figure tossed out by Hickenlooper on Tuesday...
"A private committee working to lure the Democrats vowed to cover the estimated $80 million cost with federal security funds and private donations. Hickenlooper has vowed not to use taxpayer dollars if Denver wins the bid, pledging instead to raise money around the region. He told City Council members Tuesday that he has spoken to the governors of Arizona, Montana, New Mexico and Wyoming and hopes to bring them to Denver next month. 'This is not just about Denver,' Hickenlooper told council members. 'It's really about Colorado, and it's actually about the Rocky Mountain West.'"
"2008 pres"
7:05:50 AM
President Bush has declined to meet with U.S. Representative Diana DeGette to discuss her stem cell bill, according to the Denver Post. From the article, "President Bush has rebuffed Rep. Diana DeGette's request for a meeting to discuss her bill on stem-cell research, a day after presidential adviser Karl Rove said Bush would likely veto the legislation if the Senate passed it. 'Although the president would appreciate meeting with you, we are unable to accommodate your request. Thank you for understanding,' the White House wrote in a four-sentence letter the Denver Democrat received Tuesday. The letter did not explain why Bush declined the meeting. The bill, which DeGette co-sponsored with Rep. Mike Castle, R-Del., was approved by the House of Representatives last year. It would overturn Bush's 2001 stem-cell policy barring the use of federal funds to harvest stem cells from embryos that would otherwise be destroyed...
"The Senate appears likely to pass the bill, which Rove told The Denver Post's editorial board Monday would set the stage for Bush to cast the first veto of his presidency. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, who supports the legislation, said through a spokeswoman Tuesday he still plans to bring the bill to a Senate vote, probably next week, even with a veto looming. DeGette said Tuesday she was appalled by Rove's remarks. 'It's downright insulting that (Bush) sent his head political adviser to my hometown with a veto threat,' said DeGette. 'This issue is too important to become part of Karl Rove's cynical electoral strategy.'"
Here's the coverage from the Rocky Mountain News.
"2008 pres"
6:58:35 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 11:44:10 AM.