Monday, July 17, 2006
Political Wire: "Frank Luntz: "For all those Republicans and a few Democrats who think Hillary Clinton can't possibly be elected President, I have two words for you: Ronald Reagan.'
"'Hillary Clinton sits atop many polls for President with good reason and, if she plays her cards right, she could remain there right through November 2008. Why? Because her intelligence, assertiveness, personality and celebrity are powerful strengths. I know this for a fact. My firm has conducted extensive focus-group research in Iowa and New Hampshire.'"
"2008 pres"
6:47:36 PM
Here's a call to action from the Colorado Lib. He's reminding everyone to contact U.S. Senator Allard and U.S. Senator Salazar to let them know how you want them to vote on U.S. Representative DeGette's stem cell bill.
"2008 pres"
6:45:45 PM

It looks like Idaho taxpayers may win one for a change. To paraphrase Arlo Guthrie, "And can you, can you imagine 2,742 people, I said 2,742 people a walking in and filing tax appeals...friends they may thinks it's a movement."
"2008 pres"
6:30:39 PM
Is immigration the big issue in Colorado as proposed by a recent Denver Post poll? The Wash Park Prophet looks at the issue. From the article, "The Denver Post delivered the conventional wisdom, backed up by survey research, in its front page, top center Sunday headline, which will arrive on more front porches than any other newspaper this week, due to the way the joint operating agreement between Colorado's two largest dailies works: 'Immigration At Forefront. Immigration is the single most important issue facing the state, far surpassing concerns about the economy, jobs and education, according to a poll of voters conducted for The Denver Post.' The story smells. It smells like fish rotting in a river of outrage a mile wide and an inch deep."
"2008 pres"
7:19:42 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 11:45:24 AM.