Sunday, November 4, 2007
Political Wire: "A new Washington Post/ABC News poll finds Sen. Hillary Clinton leading the Democratic presidential race with 49%, followed by Sen. Barack Obama at 26% and John Edwards at 12%. The only consolation for Clinton's rivals is that she's below 50% once again. On the Republican side, Rudy Giuliani leads with 33%, followed by Sen. John McCain at 19%. Fred Thompson at 16%, Mitt Romney at 11% and Mike Huckabee at 9%."
"2008 pres"
8:35:34 PM
The Moderate Voice: "Gays, pro-choicers and the liberal elite can relax. The Republicans have found their domestic target for '08 and, from all indications in New Hampshire, it is now illegal immigrants who are threatening the very fabric of American society. 'It's becoming a litmus test of how conservative you are,' according to a professor of political science quoted by the McClatchy newspapers. 'Absolutely an important issue,' confirms the director of the University of New Hampshire's Granite State Poll."
"2008 pres"
5:36:41 PM
Juan Cole: "Pakistani dictator Pervez Musharraf has made a second coup. Over his eight years of military dictatorship, he had dressed his government up in the outward trappings of 'democracy.' He allowed (stage-managed) parliamentary elections in 2002. The same year, he ran for president in a referendum with no opponent, such that he could not lose."
"2008 pres"
4:38:10 PM

From The Cortez Journal, "President Bush vetoed a water-resources bill Friday that included $1 million for water improvement on the Ute Mountain Ute Reservation. [U.S. Representative John] Salazar secured two Colorado projects as part of WRDA, including $1 million for water and wastewater improvements in Towaoc. Tom Rice, the tribe's environment director, said in August the Utes' drinking water issues are not as pressing as those pertaining to waste collection."
More Coyote Gulch coverage here.
"2008 pres"
8:14:15 AM

From The Denver Post, "Gov. Bill Ritter plans to outline tough new statewide standards next week to combat global warming, The Associated Press has learned. Ritter is not expected to focus on new taxes but will set environmental goals, according to three people who have seen the plan. They did not want to be identified because they are not authorized to speak before the plan is made public. The governor plans to unveil his proposals on Monday at Coors Field, according to a letter from Ritter obtained by the AP."
"colorado water"
7:37:59 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 1:40:24 PM.