Saturday, November 10, 2007

Here's an update on wilderness protection for Rocky Mountain National Park from The Sky-Hi Daily News. They write:
The Rocky Mountain National Park Wilderness Act is still in the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, said Cody Wertz of Sen. Ken Salazar's staff. "Our hope is that it is on the Senate floor later this year," he said. If passed, the act would designate 249,339 acres in Rocky Mountain National Park as wilderness, guaranteeing that the backcountry of the Park will continue to be managed as it has been since the 1970s.
After a rocky go when the bill was last proposed, due to concerns about the Grand Ditch water delivery system that snakes through Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado legislators reconvened to find language on which both sides of the political aisle could agree. "It's the first major wilderness bill for Rocky Mountain National Park that has bi-partisan delegation support," Wertz said. "Things look very positive to get (RMNP wilderness) done this time ... We are hopeful."
More Coyote Gulch coverage here.
"colorado water"
8:12:25 AM
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