Aurora is hoping to reuse water discharged into the South Platte river by pumping it back to the city for treatment from down river. This is water that has been transferred from the Western Slope and can be used to extinction under Colorado water law. To do so Aurora will need to raise rates, according to the Denver Post [September 9, 2005, "Aurora to vote on water plan"]. From the article, "The process would pump water from wells along the riverbank, then deliver it to a nearby purification basin, where it would seep into the groundwater. The water would then move through sand and gravel to provide further cleansing before being pumped 34 miles south through a planned pipeline to the Aurora Reservoir, according to a document describing the project. The water would then go through a new purification plant before going to Aurora homes and businesses. The project would be funded through rate increases and by bond sales. The first installment of $100 million in bonds goes on sale Thursday and was recently approved by the council. It did not require a public vote because it involves no taxes. The project would provide 10,000 more acre-feet to Aurora's water system, said utilities director Peter Binney."
Here's an opinion piece from Chips Barry Denver Water's top gun [September 8, 2005, "Continue wise use of water"]. He praises the utilities customers for conservation (thanks!) and goes on to say that funding for the future is going to be tricky. Barry writes, "Continuing to acquire, treat and deliver clean, safe water to a steadily growing population in a semi-arid environment will become increasingly difficult and expensive. It will require new and innovative approaches such as recycled water, conservation technology and regional cooperation. Denver Water is revising its long-term plan for determining and meeting future demand. Wise water use will play a critical role in assuring that the supplies we have can meet more needs and that some of the consequences associated with obtaining additional supplies can be postponed or partially avoided."
Category: Colorado Water
5:59:15 AM