According to the Pueblo Chieftain, Colorado Springs is trying to determine the best use for fines they've paid for sewage leaks into Fountain Creek. From the article, "Colorado Springs Utilities has met at least three times in the past two weeks with local officials on how a portion of its fine for spills into Fountain Creek will be spent.
"A decision on how $91,000 designated for a supplementary environmental project will be spent is expected by the end of February. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment is scheduled to decide on the validity of a plan submitted by Colorado Springs at that time...
"Some are suggesting the money from the fine be spent on long-range projects rather than specific work programs...
"[Ross] Vincent has suggested using a portion of the money to get an outside group to help bring together groups to create a vision for Fountain Creek.
"He has suggested the Keystone Center, which in the 1990s helped shape the Army's decision to look at, and eventually accept, alternative technologies for destroying chemical weapons like those stored in Pueblo.
"He also favors a more comprehensive monitoring program on Fountain Creek, but said $90,000 is not enough to keep it going in the long term...
"City staff suggested a project to dredge the Fountain between Fourth and Eighth streets. Apparently a large storm event could cause flooding on the East Side because of the buildup of silt, despite levees completed just 15 years ago, Vincent said.
"The second suggestion was to develop wetlands on Fountain Creek, using plants to filter contaminants from water in the system.
"Previous suggestions include using the money for education, using the money to test for DNA to determine the source of bacteria or creating a demonstration flood control project."
Category: Colorado Water
6:12:59 AM