Denver November 2006 Election
Dazed and confused coverage of the Denver November 2006 Election


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  Wednesday, February 2, 2005

Denver November 2006 Election

Here's an article from the Denver Post about State Treasurer Mike Coffman's entry into the Governor's race [February 2, 2005, "Treasurer lays groundwork for governor bid"]. From the article, "The 48-year-old Republican launched an exploratory committee that will raise money for his likely candidacy. The Aurora resident and self-described 'pragmatic conservative' was elected to Colorado's House of Representatives in 1988. He served in the state Senate from 1995 to 1998, when he was elected to his first of two terms as treasurer, overseeing the state's finances."

Colorado Pols is highlighting Coffman in a live (sort of) Q&A today on the weblog.

Update: Egg on my face. The Q&A above was with Marc Holtzman not Mike Coffman. It was early ... Thanks to a Curious Stranger for letting me know.
5:47:46 AM    comment []

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