Wednesday, August 16, 2006
ToTheRight.org: "...Beauprez has been getting nothing but bad press for as long as anyone can remember. Not even his lieutenant-governor announcement has allowed Beauprez a day of respite from the press' persecution, as every major newspaper in the state, including Janet Rowland's local daily, ran stories about her comments on gay marriage. Surprisingly, a piece by one of The Denver Post's most liberal columnists was one of the only that featured a substantial response from Rowland."
Meanwhile Bob Beauprez is sponsoring the Partnership for Academic Success in the States Act (PASS Act) From the article, "In July, Representative Bob Beauprez (R-CO) introduced the Partnership for Academic Success in the States Act, or PASS Act, to restore greater state and local control in education. With bipartisan frustration with No Child Left Behind growing, the PASS Act could garner support across the political spectrum.
"The PASS Act would give up to ten states greater freedom and flexibility to control federal education spending without being tied down by the typical web of federal regulations. In exchange, the states would have to demonstrate improved academic achievement. And if a state reduces the achievement gap, it would receive a performance bonus from the federal government."
Thanks to Mt. Virtus for the link.
Category: Denver November 2006 Election
6:08:33 PM
The Cherry Creek News: "Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper's 'Preschool Matters' campaign is similar in mind to California's Proposition 82, a universal preschool program that California voters defeated in June.
"Both programs sought to expand preschool for four-year olds, although the California measure was much broader and built upon an income tax increase on people making more than $400,000 a year.
"Proposition 82 went down in flames at the polls, with 60% of voters against, and was partially derailed by an alternative measure championed by California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.
"Studies such as 'The Economics of Investing in Universal Preschool Education in California,' a recent Rand Corp. report, which found that every dollar California invests in preschool would return $2.62 in savings later on through lower juvenile crime and high school dropout rates. Other studies cited show that children are more likely to read by the third grade and are less likely to need remedial education. They are also more likely to graduate high school and go to college...
"But opponents are likely to contend that Hickenlooper is creating another bureaucracy with administrative overhead, rather than seeking to expand Early Childhood Education oportunities already in place through Denver Public Schools. Hickenooper's program will be administered through a yet to be created non-profit organization."
Here's the link to the National Institute for Early Education Reseach website.
Category: Denver November 2006 Election
6:03:20 PM
Colorado Confidential: "An initiative to decriminalize up to an ounce of cannabis for adults 21 years and older in Colorado will be up for a vote this election season, as the Secretary of State confirmed today that the over 129,000 signatures gathered are sufficient under state law.
"The group that gathered the signatures, Safer Alternative For Enjoyable Recreation (SAFER), successfully passed a similar measure in the city of Denver last year, and will now campaign to have it extended to the state level in a vote that could make history and set a precedent for the future.
"Currently, no state has successfully decriminalized cannabis-a drug declared illegal under federal law. And, while Republicans and Democrats alike have come out criticizing the measure, SAFER claimed at their last press conference that support did not come solely from the more liberal Denver-Metro region, but from cities like Colorado Springs."
Category: Denver November 2006 Election
5:52:23 PM

Durango Herald: "The two major candidates for governor have sharply different views on solving Colorado's water problems. Democrat Bill Ritter does not want to talk about big, new projects that shift water from west to east, while Republican Bob Beauprez said the state needs honest answers that work for 'all of Colorado,' which include both conservation and new water projects. 'We cannot conserve our way entirely out of this problem,' Beauprez said in a debate Tuesday in Lakewood. Beauprez supported 2003's Referendum A, a $2 billion bond for water projects that was widely opposed on the Western Slope...
"Ritter opposed Ref. A, instead favoring conservation, reuse, sharing water with farmers and building new storage for water that already is on the Front Range. 'The whole debate about Referendum A was water storage,' Ritter said. 'What we didn't talk about, and what we're talking about now because A failed, is conservation - conservation as an ethic.'"
Category: Denver November 2006 Election
10:33:48 AM
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