Thursday, September 7, 2006
Colorado Springs Independent: "...Coloradans lean toward the conservative. Only 28 percent of the people who were polled admitted they were 'liberal,' compared to 41 percent who called themselves 'conservative.' Registered Republicans still comprise the largest block of registered voters, with 35 percent. The unaffiliated come in second, with 31 percent; registered Democrats make up most of the remainder. We don't trust Washington, are bored by politics and have a libertarian streak a mile long. We like our religion and our guns, and loathe the taxman."
Category: Denver November 2006 Election
6:17:21 PM
Steve Ludwig has fallen into to the non-inclusive trap with regard to video on his website. Please, Mr. Ludwig, think about showing an inclusive attitude and offering your commercial in more formats than Windows Media. Some of us out here do not run software from MS. Here's the link to the Coyote Gulch post with the same complaint about Bill Ritter's video.
We understand that the candidates are not necessary technical enough to understand this issue. Consider opening a YouTube account. .
Category: Denver November 2006 Election
5:43:35 PM

Rocky Mountain News: "Colorado should consider new water storage projects, the incoming chairman for the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce told a record crowd of 900 civic and business leaders at the group's annual luncheon meeting Wednesday...
"Following his presentation, Cohen said it is far too early to say what shape the water storage should take. In 2003, the chamber supported a failed referendum that would have provided the state at least $2 billion to build storage facilities...
"Cohen said the chamber has had discussions about large and small storage facilities and wants to look at all of the alternatives before making recommendations. 'Like I said, this is bigger than the chamber is, and we need to work with others,' he said. 'But clearly, we need more storage.' Tom Clark, executive vice president of the Metro Denver Economic Development Corp., said, 'Everyone I have ever talked to says that ultimately, storage has to be part of the solution.' Conservation alone is not enough, he said. 'You can't save yourself into prosperity.'"
Category: Colorado Water
6:04:32 AM
Here's an editorial from the Denver Post with a synopsis of some of the races for the fall ballot. They write, "With Labor Day come and gone, the 2006 election campaign is approaching full roar. The calendar shows 60 days to the November voting in a year when the races in Colorado and across the nation are unusually dramatic. With GOP Gov. Bill Owens retiring after two terms and the Democrats nursing a narrow majority in the General Assembly, the Colorado ballot is a full one. A crowded slate of social initiatives provides fodder for plenty of water-cooler debates. National issues will be played out in congressional races where Republicans face a challenging environment. Voters, unhappy with Iraq policy, congressional scandals and bulging federal deficits seem to be teeing up for a change. We might as well brace for the madness - a cascade of negative ads and political shenanigans of all types. (We would blush to describe the negative politics we have seen today alone.)"
Category: Denver November 2006 Election
5:51:12 AM
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Last update: 10/1/06; 8:44:48 AM.