Denver November 2006 Election
Dazed and confused coverage of the Denver November 2006 Election


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  Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Best line of the day so far, from Colorado Lib, "Today's Washington Post has an article headlined 'Colo. Governor's Race Looks to Be Tossup.' Which is true, if by 'tossup' they mean 'landslide.'"

Category: Denver November 2006 Election

6:07:28 PM    

The Center for Rural Strategies: "The rural vote is up for grabs, according to a poll of rural voters in contested congressional and Senate races released today by the Center for Rural Strategies. And how well the parties do in rural America is likely to determine who controls Congress. The poll of rural voters in 41 contested congressional districts with significant rural populations found Democratic and Republican candidates running a dead heat, with each party receiving 45 percent of the possible votes. In six contested Senate races in states with significant rural populations, rural voters favored Republican candidates 47 to 43 percent, but the gap falls within the poll's margin of error of 4.3 percentage points, making a statistical tie."

Thanks to the Daily Kos for the link.

Category: 2008 Presidential Election

6:29:45 AM    

State officials are urging voters to vote absentee in the November 7th election to alleviate concerns about voting equipment, according to the Rocky Mountain News. From the article, "In fact, Denver and Arapahoe counties are urging citizens to vote absentee with mailed paper ballots, simply because November's ballot is so long. A Denver judge ruled Friday that the computerized machines had not been tested sufficiently for security vulnerabilities. With some two dozen decisions to make, 'voters really need to consider absentee and early voting options,' said Denver Election Commission spokesman Alton Dillard. There are 14 state ballot issues, as well as races for Congress, the state legislature, governor, other statewide offices and other contests."

Here's the link to voter registration information for Denver voters. To request an absentee ballot contact the Denver Election Commission at or 720-913-8683.

Category: Denver November 2006 Election

6:24:56 AM    

The Denver Post fact checks Bill Ritter's latest TV ad.

Category: Denver November 2006 Election

6:17:27 AM    

A picture named solarpowerdemandcost.jpg

Electricity from solar panels is being woven into the fabric of sustainability out here on the rooftop of America. Here's an article, about a new proposed solar farm in the San Luis valley from the Pueblo Chieftain. They write, "Xcel announced Monday that it has selected an affiliate of SunEdison, LLC, North America's leading solar energy service provider, to build, own and operate the 8-megawatt central solar power plant about 2 miles northwest of this small unincorporated community lying along Colorado 17, about 13 miles north of Alamosa...

"The plant will be capable of powering more than 2,600 homes along the Front Range and other parts of Colorado...

"The power plant will house two solar technologies: concentrating photovoltaic and advanced flat-plate solar panel units. Both the flat-plate solar panel segment of the plant and the concentrating solar segment will be the largest of their type in the United States. About 1.2 megawatts will come from concentrating photovoltaic units. The remaining estimated 6.8 megawatts of generation will be advanced flat-plate solar panel units. The plant is expected to be on line by the end of 2007. Henley said construction is expected to begin within 90 days. Public Service Co. of Colorado will purchase the power and the Renewable Energy Credits associated with the plant...

"Concentrating photovoltaic units squeeze sunlight into a beam of light 500 times greater than normal light. That beam is then focused on a photovoltaic cell that converts the highly concentrated light into electricity more efficiently than non-concentrated cells. The solar electricity is converted from direct current to alternating current then sent to a power substation and fed into the power grid...

"Generating electricity from solar power will allow Xcel Energy to provide energy in an environmentally friendly way. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, by using just 2 kilowatts of photovoltaic capacity, a person can reduce carbon dioxide emissions equal to driving 6,200 miles in a car."

Category: 2008 Presidential Election

5:44:21 AM    

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Last update: 10/1/06; 8:46:47 AM.

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