Updated: 4/6/03; 8:56:06 AM. |
On Deciding . . . Better log A news page for the philosophical action site, "On Deciding . . . Better" How Fast Can I Type?: "In the theory of types, I'm an ENFJ. It's a pretty interesting little theory. I'm not sure what can be said to be behind it, but in my subjective experience (we're not talking science here), it's far more reliable than, say, astrology."
I've found the Meyer-Briggs concepts to be quite useful. I've known some folks who know the types well and can make valuable observations about relationships and teams based on the types involved. Interestingly, the concepts come from Jung and, at least according to David Keirsey, have more to do with temperment, which may be inborn, than anything else. Is it any suprise that, as the author of "On Deciding . . . Better" I test out as an INTJ/P. In my work developing drugs and in medicine I'm an INTJ, living in the rational world inside my head and trying to make the universe conform to the vision. In my art and personal relationships, I'm an INTP, still the rationalist living in my own world of abstractions, but watching and letting it flow over me.
It's interesting that Dave is an NF, so is, like me a seeker after truth, but does it through the intuitive rather than the rational. 11:50:42 PM