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October 2002
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Tuesday, October 8, 2002

Doesn't this x-ray picture of a supernova from the 16th century look just exactly like the top of a poodle's head?

Nobel prizes for physics went to three astrophysicists who worked on two similar yet separate projects from the past century: neutrino and x-ray detection. Neutrinos are very light, very fast particles that don't interact much with anything else, so they are very hard to see, yet believed to be ubiquitous. X-rays are also invisible and much of the sky is dramatically painted in x-ray light.

The Supreme Court opened for the year with a decision not to interfere with a state's election laws when asked by the Repbulicans. What could they be thinking?

No two things can occupy the same space at the same time, except for ordinary matter that is... Last year, the Nobel Prize for physics was given to three experimenters from Bolder, Colorado who restricted the movements of rubidium atoms by confining them between opposing laser beams. The group of atoms became merged into a blob of a new type of matter where many atoms share the same space. How soon can we experiment with Bose-Einstein condensate in a community college chemistry lab?

This year's winner of the physics prize will be announced by noon today, and the chemistry winners will be announced tomorrow.

© Copyright 2003 by Chris Heilman.