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Sunday, February 6, 2005
Oh and 101-365 is now 3 (count 'em) years old. Get ready for another color change.

A political note. I'm encouraged by Howard Dean hopefully leading the Democratic party. John Kerry put up a good fight, but that is now way over, and we need to deal with the process of keeping the administration from pareing the role of our govenment to conducting foreign adventures and keeping our behavior uh, .. Christian.

Oh, and taxing the FUCK out of the individual moderate wage earner with little political clout. Sam Kinneson I mean Howard Dean speaks for us. Loudly.


Two new and unusual wines:

From a 'newly' bred varietal, the label claims it's a cross between Muscat and Grenache, called the Symphony Grape which is extremely fruity with only a hint of sweetness. I did the test: plugging my nose while tasting without aeration, and did detect just a small sensation at the tip of my toung, indicating there IS some sugar.

My first impression though, based on mouth-feel was, that this is a dry wine.


In an old Star Trek, the crew is where things are not as they seem. Scotty takes a bottle of Scotch and tells Kirk, regarding it's authenticity, "I'll let you know."



February 2005
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