Thursday, August 01, 2002

Reading Online News. Reading Online News: A Comparison of Three Presentation Formats: Users were asked to locate specific information within news articles... [Content Syndication with XML and RSS]
1:48:42 PM    Trackback []

RDF events in Outlook.. I missed this when it was launched last October, but it's pretty cool and very relevant to RSS 1.0 -... [Content Syndication with XML and RSS]
1:47:24 PM    Trackback []

Online content: It’s not about the cost. Americans are more warming up to paying for content on the Web, according to a new study, which shows a 155 percent increase in consumer spending for Internet services over last year. [CNET]
1:36:54 PM    Trackback []

s l a m - BlogRolling Outline Style. (SOURCE:Scripting News)-Wow, the cool stuff from Marc keeps coming. Yet another thing on my long list of things to do on this blog! Thanks, Marc!The latest addition to activeRenderer is activeRoll, a macro for publishing a blogroll as an active outline, complete with expand/collapse wedges. [Roland Tanglao's Weblog]
1:35:50 PM    Trackback []