Thursday, August 15, 2002

Adventures in coolness 
  Dave Sifry is showing me Projectdocs, a document managment system he wrote. Looks cool.
  Actually, way cool...
[Doc Searls Weblog]
1:14:22 PM    Comment []Trackback []

14 Days, in the Groove - still seeking Rhythm, and Blues.  Thoughts about my first two weeks as a public blogger.  Looking forward to hearing about your own experiences. [Ray Ozzie's Weblog]
11:39:57 AM    Comment []Trackback []

Gizmodo -- some blogback []
11:39:18 AM    Comment []Trackback []

Using XML with PHP without any apache changes. XML is sexy, PHP and XML is a cheap and good way to create and syndicate your website. Now, when you have your own server, you can set up all the necessary apache add-ons to explore the PHP-XML relationship to the full extend. When you own a virtual server at an ISP, you can't do that. Still, there is a way to use XML with PHP without doing any changes to the server, the answer is a small but fine PHP script. [XML News by]
11:38:27 AM    Comment []Trackback []