Saturday, October 05, 2002

Phoenix: Pared down mozilla for windows. Phoenix is sweet. Like Chimera, it's a pared down Mozilla with little of the bloat. Thanks, webgraphics [ia/ - news for information architects]
6:53:22 AM    Trackback []

How and Why the Internet Broke. A series of circumstances and human errors at network communications firm UUNet on Thursday created a huge Internet slowdown throughout the world. By Michelle Delio. [Wired News]
6:51:39 AM    Trackback []

Google News searches as RSS. This is pretty cool. Julian Bond is providing a way to turn Google News searches into RSS. [ia/ - news for information architects]
6:49:58 AM    Trackback []

Java on Desktop. From InfoWorld: While Java may not be the first platform people think of when it comes to desktop computing, it... [E M E R G I C . o r g]
6:47:22 AM    Trackback []

Lindows 2.0 Review. ExtremeTech's conclusions: Despite my few nitpicks, we give Lindows a thumbs up. It's probably not going to draw in... [E M E R G I C . o r g]
6:43:34 AM    Trackback []