Monday, October 21, 2002

Google News: Where's the context?. People who gripe about free services (especially beta services) are one of my pet peeves. So Google, please don't take this the wrong way. Your basic services are like oxygen to me. But I don't turn blue if I can't get Google News. Today it occurred to me to ask: why am I not yet hooked on your new drug? ... [Jon's Radio]
11:13:26 AM    Trackback []

The enterprise Mac. IN MAY 2001, Apple began shipping OS X on new Macs. Six months later, at the O'Reilly Peer-to-Peer and Web Services conference, it was clear that a sea change was under way. The open-source geeks who flock to these events were flouting Microsoft not with PC notebooks running Linux, but with PowerBooks running OS X. Displayed on their gorgeous Aqua screens was the Mac's newest and most unlikely killer app: SSH, the secure shell, in all its 80-column, 25-line splendor. [Full story at] ... [Jon's Radio]
11:12:47 AM    Trackback []

Mitch Kapor's open source PIM to use wxPython. Mitch Kapor's Open Source Applications Foundation has emerged into blogspace, where Mitch says he'll chronicle its progress. The first project: a powerful, easy-to-use personal information manager for Linux, Windows, and Mac. Mitch writes: ... [Jon's Radio]
11:12:01 AM    Trackback []

Online news subscription models won't work, again. The free ride is over. At least that's what many online news executive are hoping. But paying for online news in it's current form does not make for a convincing business or strategic sense. [Hypergene MediaBlog]
10:39:50 AM    Trackback []

AOL's new Social Media approach. AOL's version 8.0 aims to capitalize on content as a vehicle to drive effective interpersonal connections, according to an NPR interview of Omar Wasow at [Hypergene MediaBlog]
10:39:22 AM    Trackback []